Chapter 4

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                                                                                   Sutton's Pov

Dear Diary,

I feel as if I've entered another planet. Since Poppy moved in, I've felt more paranoid than I ever have. I was under the impression that Poppy moving in was supposed to take the stress off my shoulders, not make it worse. I feel as if I'm being watched, but I have no clue why. Poppy's a nice girl, she doesn't bother me. She's pleasant to be around and cleans up after herself. She made Tacos for dinner the other night which were the best thing I've ever eaten. She's done nothing but be nice, but there's something she's hiding. I can't lie, I'm carrying a secret myself.

This dream world of mine has become too realistic. I'm in fear everywhere I go, I'm hardly focusing on my schoolwork. If I keep this shit up I'll lose my scholarship, and won't have to worry about dropping out. If my Dad hadn't spent so much on my career I would have already left. I'll feel worse if he puts more money into it and I don't succeed at anything except being a bookstore clerk. There is one thing that's come out of all this. I've been writing again. I've been writing about my dreams, about my experiences in this Night World. I'm a Princess in another realm, a lowly College student here, Ironic, right?

Part of me wishes I could stay in this Night World, permanently. I'd have no worries, servants to pamper me all day every day. I'd be the most powerful Vampire in the realm, never have to answer to anyone... but that cannot happen. I can't leave my Dad just sitting here, wondering what happened to his Daughter. I refuse to be one of those faces on a missing poster for the remainder of his life. I won't do that to my father. I can't.

Xo Sutton

I closed my journal, feeling a sense of pride for writing my first entry in almost a month. I looked around the mess hall, wondering where Bev was today. She hardly ever misses lunch, but maybe something came up? I sighed, finally opening my Taco Bell bag, and happily unwrapping a Taco. I took a very large bite just as I heard the chair next to me slide out. I looked up, immediately regretting taking such a large bite. Anakin was standing above me, holding a Taco Bell bag much larger than mine, smiling down at me. The light from the windows hit his eyes a certain way and the topaz in the middle of his eyes suddenly caught fire. I was speechless, not because of the food in my mouth.

Anakin stood before me, his light brown cowboy boots coming to my attention. He had on light blue jeans today and a black Game of Thrones T-Shirt. His hair was slicked back today instead of his baseball hat, his beard looked neatly combed instead of the sexy messed-up look he had going on the other day.

"Sutton? Right?" He asked.

I nodded furiously, swallowing my bite. I couldn't muster up the word, Yes to save my life for some reason. Anakin nodded awkwardly and sat down in the chair he'd just slid out. I immediately began to panic. Why did he wanna sit with me? Is he just waiting for Poppy? Oh god, I bet my breath stinks. I did my best to keep my eyes on my Journal cover, but he was just too dang distracting. He's not Poppy's boyfriend, but he is her best friend.

"Do you speak any form of English, Sutton?" he asked amusingly.

"Excuse you?" I ask, taken back.

"Woah! She speaks!" Anakin laughed, opening his bag and pulling out a Nacho Fry box.

"Eugh. How can you eat those?" I asked, pulling my laptop from my bag, and opening it.

"How can I not? They're like Heroin" He took a bite.

"How would you know?" I raised a brow and opened my google docs account.

"Never tried it actually. My best friend Jimmy was on it really bad" He shrugged.

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