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Arabella's pov:

After taking abuse, mentally and physically from my mom for so long, the swearing, the fights, the abuse, I decided to move out. The only place I could think to go was my best friend Erin's house as I don't really have any other family and I considered her a sister anyway.
I grew up in a happy household. Playing games every Saturday, followed by movies and take out was our tradition. The house was colourful, full of laughs and joy.

I had so many memories, and was an extremely happy child. Obviously we all had our moments but I was very fortunate to have such a fluorescent and supportive environment to grow up in. I wish I took advantage of that more when I had it.
Once my dad passed that all changed. There was no more laughter and no more joy, no more movies and take out. My mom couldn't handle the stress and drinking became a regularity in the house. Not long after that she started taking things, I don't exactly know what they were but when she took them, she wasn't the same person I knew.

There was no more smiling, playing and she was barely a mother at all.

The mental and physical drainage started about a year ago. I couldn't do anything about it, for a while I thought it was my fault but it all got too much at one point. I was young and needed a parent. The decision to inform Erin might've been a mistake, however I made her promise to not tell anyone due to the fact I knew my mom wouldn't be able to fend for herself.

Despite her promise she told her mom once she saw the bruises get worse. Her mother convinced me to leave which I did, no child should be put through that.

I was angry at Erin for a while but now thinking back I don't think I could've survived in that house for much longer. Eating became a struggle, bills were never paid and the abuse just kept getting worse.

A month has gone by and although it was hard at first, adjusting to a life without my mother, abusive or not was horrible and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. However, I'm eating properly and it's a completely different environment to live in. The laughters and family dinner times remind me of when I was a child. I've just spent the time settling in, getting to know the town.

Being accepted into the same school as Erin was a big relief. Although I'm excited to have a fresh start, I'm still upset I had to leave all of my old friends, there weren't many but school was my safe place either way, and even though she treated me wrong, I will miss my mom, after all she wasn't always like this. The years leading up to the death she was a great mother. Everything I could wish for now. I'm just annoyed I took advantage of her when I had her.


Today I decided to go out by myself and explore more of the shops in town.

I grabbed a coffee and started sipping whilst looking inside the shops to see if there was anything of my fancy.

A sudden crash caused me to drop my coffee and fall to the floor. Landing on my bum caused a loud impact however I'm glad I caught myself with my hands, preventing any damage to my back. Picking up the now empty coffee cup i looked up to the other person impacted by my lack of attention getting ready to apologise or shout, I couldn't decide which. I open my mouth, ready to speak but instantly stop when I look up to see a beautiful woman, now covered in coffee, looking down at me. Her eyebrows raised in frustration as she waved her hands in the air.

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