Kantou Invitational Camp

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We were invited to join a camp last night, Coach Ryuzaki had messaged us all about it as soon as she got the text. When we arrive at Seigaku today, we'll get on a bus and head to the camp. At the camp there's also going to be Hyotei, Josei Shonan, Yamabuki, and more would be there. There were three coaches, Hyotei's, Josei Shonan's, and ours.
"We could go to the US opens if we make it high enough on the ranks!" Ryoga shouted as we walked to school the next morning with Ryoma.
"Yeah. But each coach can only choose two in their groups. So we'll have to hope the three of us aren't all in the same group," I said, shrugging.
"We're going to the US open!" Eiji shouted when we got to Seigaku. Ryoma moved away from him as he and Momo tried to put him in a headlock.
We all boarded the bus with the other schools and were dropped off at the building. It was large with tons of land and courts everywhere, players already doing matches.
"Seigaku," Coach Ryuzaki said firmly. We all turned to face her. "The groups will be posted soon. And try to stay out of trouble while you're waiting." She looked directly at the Echizens and Momo. I nearly laughed until she looked at me too. I supposed I could make trouble. I was practically half raised by the Echizens.
I walked around the campus with Ryoga as I explored everywhere I could think of. Ryoma had gone to find a tree to sleep under and the other regulars had also paired up o go look around and goof off.
"So, this will be nice," I mused out loud.
"Hai. Definitely nice," Ryoga said quietly. I wandered around and then found a tree and sat down underneath it. Ryoga handed his sweatshirt to me and I slid it on, the arms too long and the shirt too baggy. I sighed and then flipped the hood over my eyes and leaned back against Ryoga. I could sense him smiling down at me and I shifted slightly to get more comfortable before falling asleep. Not all of my habits from the Echizen's are good ones.

"Oi! Look at them!" Eiji's voice shouted.
"Aww, they're so cute," Momo said. I heard the snap of a camera and blinked groggily.
"Oh, you woke them up," Eiji whined.
"Were you two spying on us?" I murmured quietly as I sat up. I shook Ryoga awake as I did so.
"No. We were sent to find you. The groups are being released and they're waiting for you two before they show them to us," Momo replied, shaking his head, his phone still in his hand.
"Send that to me. And let's go," I said, standing up lightly and extending a hand to Ryoga, yanking the taller boy to his feet.
"Great, let's see the teams!" I said, grinning.
The team lists made a bit of sense. But I think they were all random. It went like this:

Hanamura had:
Oishi, Atobe, Wakato, Sengoku, Kaido, Taka and more. I'm only listing he people I know. Too difficult to list everyone.
Hyotei's coach had:
Sanada, Ryoma, Shishido, Ootori, Inui, Fuji and more.
Ryuzaki had:
Me, Ryoga, Eiji, Momo, and a couple other kids I didn't know.

Each team was sent to do different tasks and chores immediately. My group had to go swing sticks at rocks and then go swimming upstream with a hard current in a river.
It was torture. That night, I crashed in a dorm with Ryoga. Eiji and Momo crashed in another room together.
The rest of the time there was also crazy. Ryoma found out he had a secret enemy he never knew about. His name is Kevin and supposedly he despises Ryoma and he wants to be able to defeat him in a tennis match. He also went around beating all of Ryoma's old opponents as well. Ryoma didn't want to play the game since he kinda lost most of his spirit when he won against Sanada. Tezuka even came back to coach since Ryuzaki had gotten hurt.
In the end, there were only a few picked.
Sanada, Fuji, Atobe, Eiji, Kirihara, Oishi, and Sengoku.
Ryoga, Ryoma and I weren't picked, but at least I don't have all the pressure on me.
Even though Tezuka came back, he still didn't pick Ryoma because Ryoma didn't want to win against Kevin. It was truly a bit disappointing and sad. In fact, when Ryoma and Kevin were about to face off in a match, Tezuka told him no and in return he was smacked in the face by Tezuka of all people and told no for the second time.
After that, Ryoma got chosen for a substitute so at least he's able to play, if someone else gets hurt so I kinda really hope that Ryoma doesn't get to play even though I know how much he wants to beat the smirk off of Kevin's face.

"The US Open is tomorrow, we must all be prepared," Tezuka said strictly.
That night was super long, all of us who weren't chosen were all nervously waiting in anticipation to see who would win and who would lose.
The first match was Sanada and Atobe against Billy Cassidy and this Michael kid. Hopefully they win.

I finally finished watching the US Open episodes so I can update again! Also, thx for 400 reads! ❤️❤️❤️

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