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And so Ryoga went back to thje Echizen house and got his father. He even made sure he was appropriately dressed this time and not just in underwear and a monk's robe.
"We're back," Ryoga said as he came back in. I watched him silently and his father followed right behind him.
"Y/n!" he called, opening his arms for a hug.
"You're still a pervert. I'm not hugging you," I said. He pouted but then sat down at the table.
"Soooooooooooo," Nanjiro drawled. "What have you been doing?"
"Tennis. And practicing. Lots of practicing. Sadness. Anger. Lots of emotions. Lots of everything," I replied with a casual shrug. I swear, Ryoga looked guilty for a second. I think he is guilty. He must feel bad for leaving me for three years. Both him and Ryoma.
"Oh. You stayed in touch with us, right?" Nanjiro asked.
"No. You broke your phones so nobody had a way to contact you," I replied curtly.
"Well," my dad broke in. "What have you been up to the past years, Nanjiro?"
"He's been reading girly magazines, Rinko's been throwing them all away, and our cousin Nanako has been offended by him. Really, none of it's good stuff. Hasn't done a single good thing since quitting professional tennis," Ryoga butted in.
"Hai. He's been lazy," Ryoma agreed.
"Hey! Wy are you two teaming up on me?! That's not fair! I'm your father! Stop teaming up against me!" Nanjiro shouted with a huge pout and whiny voice.
"It's the truth," Ryoga muttered. I held back a smile at that and then finished eating.
"I need to go," Ryoma said suddenly, standing up at his spot. "Thank you for the meal, Y/n, Chichi." (Chichi means father in Japanese when speaking to someone else's father)
"Hai. See you tomorrow, Ryoma!" I called as he left silently. Pretty soon after that, Nanjiro left and then Ryoga left about an hour after him.
We actually spent about two hours playing video games before he left. It was fun, hanging out with him again.

Sorry it's short. I didn't know what to write.

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