Kanto Tournaments: Kirihara Akaya

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A week later and the ranking tournaments were held. I had been allowed to try out. And I had won a spot on the regulars team. So did Ryoma. I had even managed to convince Ryoga to play and join us.
We had breezed through the first tournament and now we're moving onto our second. I hear we're playing against Rikkadai. Their captain seems to be out of the match, but their vice captain Sanada was fully ready and also a demon of speed. At least that's what the reporter Inoue-san said. He had gone to watch them and try and get a story. He didn't really get one. But at least we knew a little bit more about what we're up against.
"Twenty laps!" Tezuka-senpai shouted at us all. We all shouted a quick "hai" and then started running. "Last one back gets Inui's special drink!" we all sprinted for our lives. The last time someone had one of his drinks, they had passed out cold. Only Fuji-senpai could resist the taste. In fact, he called it good. Said it tasted nice and he didn't see what was so bad about it. He was wrong. It was horrible. I had tried some, I didn't faint, but I still got a lil bit lightheaded for a few seconds. And I had only had a small sip. The others had to chug an entire glass of it. Momo-senpai and Ryoma had to down an entire gallon themselves before.
I kept up with the other regulars and then sprinted across the finish line first, everyone else tied. Well, Ryoga had beaten me to the finish line, but other than him, everyone else has tied.
"Tomorrow is the Kanto tournament," Tezuka-senpai said loudly. "I want everyone in their best shape before then. You're dismissed. Regulars, rest up and prepare for tomorrow. Members, fifty swings and then go home."
"Hai!" Everyone shouted. I picked up my racket and then started walking home to Toyko.
I hung out with Ryoga and Ryoma in my room for a few hours until it was ten and I went to bed. They had gone home at nine, and I needed my rest.

The next morning I woke up to someone knocking impatiently on my door.
"Get up, Y/n! The Konto tournament's about to start! We've got ten minutes to get there on time before we default!" Ryoga's voice shouted at me. I jumped out of bed and threw on my jersey and outfit before quickly brushing my hair, grabbing a few snacks and my equipment, and then ran out the door and smack into Ryoga.
"Sorry!" I shouted as I started running, knowing he'd catch up sooner or later.
"We're you still sleeping?" Ryoga called as he ran after me. He caught up to me in a few seconds and then we ran to Seigaku, pacing ourselves so we wouldn't be tired if the need came for us to step in to continue a match. Well, Ryoga had a match and I was playing subsitute this time on the bench with Teuka-senpai.
"You're late!" Kikumaru-senpai exclaimed as we came running up.
"Sorry, sorry. But we're here now. Let's go!" I shouted.
"Hai!" Kikumaru-senpai shouted in agreement.
We all quickly walked to the sign in table and registered. I sat down on a bench, antsy as I watched my other team members play their matches. We had a quick lunch break and then we went against Rikkadai. They were going to be the hardest to win against. We lost our first double match and then won our second. We also one our singles 3 match. And then it was Ryoga's turn in singles 2.
He was against Kirihara who was supposedly the only second year at Rikkadai.
I watched the match progress and was silent as I stood up and moved closer to the short, waist high wall.
Kirihara and Ryoga were rallying the ball back and forth before Ryoga finally managed to score a point with a twist dunk. Like a twist serve, but with a dunk.
And I think this make Kirihara angry.
His eyes had turned red and narrowed as he stood up and dusted himself off with a glare at Ryoga.
I watched the match grow more hard and more diffucult for each of them. Kirihara kept trying to hit Ryoga in the face with a ball every time he returned a serve. And Ryoga could barely keep his temper in check. And he has a very short temper.
"Gooooooo, Ryoga-senpai!" Tomoka-san shouted as she waved around a very large flag, Sakuno-san helping her out a little bit. She turned bright red when Ryoma glanced over at them and then returned to watching Ryoga.
And then Ryoga glanced over and let his guard slip for a second. I saw something darken in Kirihara's eyes and then watched in silence, horrified, as the ball went speeding towards Ryoga in the short second he looked away.
And by the time he looked back at the court, the ball had knocked him out with a swift hit to his neck. I could already see the bruise start to form from my side of the court. Kirihara was smiling evilly.
I jumped over the short wall and landed in a crouch before running towards Ryoga. I know it's not allowed to step onto court when a player is injured and the match is still happening, but I'm not about to let him get away with hurting Ryoga.
I qucikly checked his pulse and when I saw he was fine, I let out a small breath of relief.
"Kaido-senpai!" I shouted, beckoning him over.
He grabbed Ryoga's arm and slng it over his shoulder, effectively removing him from the court.
I followed him as we waited for Tezuka to make his decision on if Ryoga would play the rest of the match or have someone else do it.
"Nobody here can play against Kirihara. You're all resting from your own matches. It seems we'll have to default the game," Tezuka finally said. He started moving forwards to tell the umpire.
I stepped in front of him to stop him.
"No. I'm not defaulting. I'll play in Ryoga's place," I said with sharp confidence gleamign in my eyes.
"No," Tezuka said, dismissing me.
"Tezuka-senpai, I'm playing whether or not you allow me. Either now or later. We could win it now, or we could win it later when it oesn't matter to us anymore. Tell me, Tezuka, why won't you let me play?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. I felt the other senpai's looking at me from my back.
"Because . . . Ryoga . . . say . . . no," Tezuka-senpai muttered under his breath.
"Ryoga told you not to let me play?!" I shouted. "I'm playing. And I'm going to get my payback. And I'm going to prove Ryoga wrong."
"You're not playing," Tezuka said sharply.
"I'm playing, whether or not you let me," I glared. I picked up my racket and shed my Seigaku jacket and stepped onto court after doign afew quick stretches and making sure my shoes were tied tightly.
"Umpire," I called. "Resume the match."
"You're forcing a scared little girl to go against me, Tezuka?!" Kirihara shouted with a laugh at him. "Well, let's get this over with. I'll bet you in under five mintues." I raised my racket and bounced the ball.

I was not expecting anyone to read this. Thx❤️
I'ma work on a fanfic with Ryoma while I think about this one.

Tennis Stars (Ryoga x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ