Moving (A Year After The Echizens Left)

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I was hitting a tennis ball repeatedly against a wall out of boredom.
It's been a year since the Echizen's all left. I trained and practiced with them constantly for two years. And now, a year after they're gone, and I'm still sulking about them leaving. Lame, right? I closed my eyes, listening to the ball hitting the wall and returning them all.
"Hey, Y/N!" my dad called. "I've got news!" He grinned widely at me. The last big news he had was that I was moving schools. And that had sucked.
"We're moving," he said happily.
"Great," I said sarcastically.
"Guess! We're moving . . . drumroll, please . . . to Japan!" my dad shouted with a wider grin than before. My head shot up and I missed my ball as I turned to him in shock.
"Japan?!" I shouted with wide eyes.
"And get this, you might get to see them again!" my dad shouted again.
"When do we leave?" I asked excitedly.
"Right now! You've been gone for the entire night playing, so I've been able to pack everything up and move it all into the moving vans for the airport. The plan leaves in an hour. And then we'll be in Japan by tomorrow morning. You can sleep the way there and then get used to everything the first day and scout out schools. Japan's got some really good tennis schools in Tokyo. That's where we're headed. You know enough Japanese to get by, right?" my dad asked.
"I'm fluent thanks to Ryoma, Ryoga and all my Japanese classes. But mostly thanks to the Echizen's," I said with a smile. My dad got into the moving van with all of our stuff in it and then he drove us to the airport, we had help unloading everything onto the plane, and then we got into our seats as the seatbelt light flashed. The pilot spoke both Japanese and English which made it helpful for the foreigners who couldn't speak English or Japanese, like my dad.
I leaned back in my seat and my mind started running on full speed. What if I got to see them again? Ryoma and Ryoga. I've missed them, more than I thought I could. They taught me tennis and Japanese. Two of my favorite things to do thanks to them.
I put on my headphones and hit the shuffle button on my playlist. I closed my eyes and leaned back, falling asleep for the long flight. After all, it was fourteen hours of flying.

This is short, but the next chapter will be longer, promise.

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