Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

(February 20, 1995, Washington DC)

"Mr. President."

President George H W Bush, currently sitting at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, looks up from some papers regarding a bill proposed by Congress. He looks over at the door into the office, where one his aides is standing.

"Yes, Ted?" Bush asks.

"Grandmaster Windu is here to see you, sir," he says.

"Of course. Send him in immediately," Bush says.

Ted nods and steps back out of view. A moment later, he opens the door again, and Mace Windu comes walking into the Oval Office.

"Master Windu. A pleasure to see you again," Bush says, standing up and walking out from behind the desk.

Mace shakes Bush's offered hand, and says, "Always a pleasure, Mister President."

"Sit down, Master Windu," Bush says. The two take seats on couches facing each other.

"What brings you here today?" Bush asks.

"We've received some disturbing news regarding New Lessu. We've received some word about protests being held in Arizona regarding the city, but worse, we've received word regarding a small group intending to try and stop the Twi'leks moving in by force. Most of the protesting groups are peaceful, but this one small group could cause trouble," Windu says.

"Hmm. I hadn't heard of this group yet. Do you think they really intend violence against the Twi'leks?" Bush asks.

"Our intelligence seems good. I know you wished for some of us to head to Europe to try and help de-escalate things in the Balkans, but I came to request permission for me and one other Jedi to travel to Arizona and work with the National Guard to ensure the Twi'leks are able to settle in their new home peacefully," Mace says.

Bush muses on this. After the end of the Clone Wars, Earth had become home to more Twi'lek refugees than any other Andromeda Galaxy species. Over 36,000 Twi'leks had come to Earth on their own and been brought there by the Starfleet during the evacuation from the Andromeda Galaxy. While a handful had dispersed across the planet, most of them wished to settle in one place as a species. They had decided to settle in the United States. After some consideration, both houses of US Congress had passed a resolution giving a small part of land in Arizona, situated between the White Hills and Lake Mead, over to the Twi'leks as a home. The Twi'leks had called the land and the city being built there New Lessu. It was a partially independent city-state, though still technically under the control of the United States. The Twi'leks were given US citizenship and ultimately answered to the federal government, but were allowed a great deal of autonomy in how they ran their society.

However, this motion had not come without problems. There were many US citizens, primarily Arizonans, who did not approve of the nature of New Lessu, nor were particularly excited about aliens settling in America. Many Americans did not believe that the Twi'leks should have more authority over their land than they did over their own states. Since New Lessu began construction, many people have protested the city-state. In addition, the Twi'leks, as well as other alien refugees, have suffered a great deal of persecution. However, there had been many more people, both in Arizona and around the country that welcomed them. Many of the Twi'leks were currently living in Utah, where they had been welcomed by the state's Mormon population, who felt great sympathy for the Twi'leks because of the persecution and constant moving they had endured. In addition, a Twi'lek town called Cedar Breaks due to its proximity to Cedar Breaks National Monument, home to several thousand more Twi'leks, had been built not far from Cedar City. Most Twi'leks were preparing to move to New Lessu, but the Twi'leks of Cedar Breaks intended to stay there.

"That is a disturbing possibility," he says. After a moment, he says, "Very well. Take a Jedi of your chosing and head down to Arizona. I will contact the National Guard commander and order troops mobilized to support you. Make sure that the Twi'leks make it safely from Phoenix to New Lessu."

"Very well. Thank you, Mr. President," Mace responds.

"Of course, Master Windu. Keep me updated on any developments down in Arizona," Bush says.

"Of course. Now, I must attend to other matters before going down to Arizona, if you'll excuse me," Mace says.

"Of course," Bush says. He and Mace both stand up and shake hands, and Mace then walks out of the Oval Office.

Bush goes over back to the Resolute Desk and sits back down. Almost as soon as he does, the commlink on his desk beeps a few times. Bush pushes it, and a hologram of Admiral Jay Johnson, the new Chairman of the Admiralty, comes up.

"Hello, Mr. President," Admiral Johnson says.

"Ah, Admiral. What do I owe the pleasure?" Bush asks.

"Just calling with an update from the shipyard. A fire broke out at Dry Dock 3. It destroyed some important equipment and left a bunch of workers wounded. Not too serious, but it's going to delay construction on the Repulse for at least a few weeks," Johnson says.

"Well, that's not good. Get every resource we can and set them towards getting construction back up," Bush says.

"Understood, Mr. President," Admiral Johnson says before cutting the call.

Bush looks back at the documents down on his desk and starts looking over a new Air Force acquisition bill he has been asked to sign off on. The bill mainly deals with a new Air Force order of fighters, and crucially modifying the Air Force's order for the F-22 Raptor, reducing it down to 323 airframes to free up room for more money to be put towards starfighter procurement.

As Bush is looking through the bill, his Vice President, Dan Quayle, comes walking into the Oval Office. "Mr. President, you'll need to be leaving within the next twenty minutes to make it to Andrews in time," Quayle says.

"Of course," Bush says. He starts gathering papers he needs to take with him and putting them into his briefcase. Today is a meeting of the Terran Alliance General Assembly to discuss an important new piece of legislation: the Non-Human Equality Act.

The Non-Human Equality Act had been written in the period following the Clone Wars in response to the reaction of inhabitants of Earth to the arrival of tens of thousands of alien refugees. Although the majority of Earth's inhabitants accepted the alien refugees and were trying to get over any hesitancy at having aliens living on Earth, there were many people across the world who had not taken to the new situation well, and had been severely persecuting aliens. There were many reports of aliens being harassed in their homes, being denied jobs, even being attacked on occasion. The NHEA was designed to ensure aliens receive all rights that humans had, and criminalize persecution of aliens and denial of basic rights based on them being non human. It also established various organizations and programs designed to help non-humans gain a good start in their lives on Earth.

Bush finishes packing up the papers he needs to take into his briefcase. He then stands up and follows Quayle out of the Oval Office.

Bush heads out onto the White House lawn, where his helicopter is waiting. Bush boards the helicopter, now Marine One, which lifts off and heads for Andrews Air Force Base.

It's only a short ride to the base. Once Marine One lands, Bush disembarks and makes his way across the tarmac to board the parked VC-25.

As Air Force One takes off about 20 minutes later, Bush looks out a window as the aircraft climbs into the sky, sighing a bit. The world has changed so much in the last few years, but Bush knows that they are nothing compared to what is going to come.

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