Chapter 2.5: Meeting Time

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3rd POV

Karasuma walked the halls of the secure government facility as Ave Maria played in the background.  He stopped in front of a large vault.  The silver wheel began to turn,  unlocking the golden bars.  A large gust of smoke entered the room as the vault doors opened.  Karasuma stood still despite everything being covered in a light grey veil of smoke.

When Karasuma entered the room, the music stopped playing as he was greeted by a large octopus creature sitting cross-tentacled.  Beside the creature was a table with a China teapot and two teacups holding a dark red colored tea on saucers.  One of the tea cups had a spoon and the others was to the side.  A colorful array of macarons sat on a China plate next to the tea set.

The octopus closed his book as he complained, "They turned off my music."

"You speak Japanese?"

"Nice to meet you, Karasuma Tadaomi-san."

Karasuma walked one step before gasping.  He touched the glass separating them from each other, "Toughened tektite glass..."

"Not nearly enough to keep me in here, I might add.  But since I was the one to propose this arrangement, I figured I should show good manners and follow their rules."  He laughed and took a spot of tea, "I personally requested you to be summoned here.

"I don't remember having an unknown life form among my acquaintances." Hiding behind Karasuma's back, he held a gun with his right hand.

One of the cameras spoke to him, "Karasuma-kun, you must cast aside the fetters of common sense.  All of humanity currently faces an unprecedented threat of unthinkable proportions.  The recent disintegration of the Moon—an incident even the Pentagon could not cover up—was none other than his handiwork."  The octopus took another sip of tea.

"It was a piece of cake. I just blew it away. Simple as that."

"For what purpose?"

"As a demonstration. Thanks to that, my request was honored without the need for lengthy negotiations."

The man behind the camera added on, "To this day, the UN has been doing everything within its power to counter him."

The octopus smirked, "Counter me, eh?"

Data about the octopus began to appear on the screen in a green hue as the camera explained their findings, "He can fly at a maximum speed of Mach 20. He's even able to operate in outer space. And although he has the power to reduce the moon to a crescent shape in the blink of an eye, the source of his energy is unknown. He is fluent in languages from all over the world, has a gentle disposition, and prefers carbohydrates and sugars."

The octopus added on as the information on the glass disappeared, "My hobby is reading."

"What does a monster like you want from us humans?"

"I have decided...that I will destroy the Earth." Karasuma gave a small gasp and started directly at the octopus, "It is a trivial task for me. However, there would be no fun in simply doing it." He placed his teacup down, "So let us make it a game. I will give you until March of next year. In other words, approximately twelve months."

"And we just need to kill you by then?"

"That's right. I will neither run nor hide. Oh, I have an idea. I'll become the homeroom teacher of Class 3-E at Kunugigaoka Junior High School in Japan."

"You intend to drag junior high schoolers into this?"

"There exists a single path along which no one can go except you: whither does it lead? Do not ask, go along it." The octopus quoted Friedrich Nietzsche.

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