Chapter 7: School Trip Time, 1st Period

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3rd POV

"Nagisa, you figured out everyone in your group yet?", Kataoka asked the feminine boy.

"My group?"

"When you're all set, tell me--you're class president--or Isogai-kun, okay?", she waved goodbye as Nagisa hummed in confusion.

"Have you forgotten?", Kayano walked up to him holding a book with "Kyoto" written on top, "Our class trip is next week!"

"Honestly, who has a class trip this early in Year 3? I can't say I approve," despite his complaint, Koro-Sensei was dressed as a geisha, holding a fan with his tentacles and a wagasa in his teeth.

"--You're totally into it!", Maehara yelled.

"--An apprentice geisha?!", Mimura questioned.

"And it looks good on him!", Okajima added.

Koro-Sensei quickly changed out of his outfit back into his black robe, "Saw right through me," he blushed, rubbing a tentacle on his head embarrassed, "Yes, in fact, I can hardly wait to go on this trip with you."

Nagisa and Kayano laughed awkwardly.

First exams, then a class trip. Even an assassination classroom has a jam-packed schedule.


During P.E., Karasuma gave a breakdown of the new assassination attempt to the students, "As you know, next week is our two-night school trip to Kyoto. Not to put a damper on your enthusiasm, but you're still on duty."

"You mean, we can assassinate him there?", Okano asked.

"Precisely. Kyoto is far larger and more complex than this school, and you'll be moving in groups that he'll be following. It's an ideal location for snipers. The government has already arranged for sharpshooting to join you. If they succeed, they'll share in the ten billion yen based on the degree of their contribution. Be sure to pick assassination-friendly tour routes."

"Yes, sir," The students responded solemnly, realizing their trip wouldn't be as relaxing as they thought.

The bell rang, signaling that the period was over.


The students were back in the classroom, discussing their groups for the Kyoto trip.

"School trip groups, huh?," Nagisa stared at an informational sheet with Kayano and Sugino, "Hey, Karma-kun--want to be in my group?"

Karma hummed, "Yeah, okay."

"Eh? You sure about that, Karma? You won't be pickin' fights and gettin' into trouble on our trip, right?". Sugino asked.

"No sweat," Karma held up a photo of himself with two students showing their ID cards, one beaten up badly, "When I fight offsite, I make sure to silence any witnesses--the whole thing stays hush-hush," a demonic aura surrounded Karma.

Sugino whispered loudly to Nagisa, "C'mon! You can't let him in our group!"

"But we are old friends...", Nagisa muttered.

"Where's our fourth? Nagisa-kun, Sugino-kun, Kayano-chan, and...?"

Kayana smiled and dragged Okuda forward, "Oh, I invited Okuda!"

"We need six. Shouldn't our last member be a girl?"

Sugino smiled and rubbed his nose, "I knew this time would come. I asked her a looong time ago: How 'bout the class idol, Kanzaki-san?", He blushed as he showed off Kanzaki.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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