Chapter 2: Baseball Time

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3rd POV

Outside the school building in the middle of the forest, Koro-Sensei is relaxing on a beach drinking a tropical drink and reading the news.  On his right was Kanna, also sitting in a beach chair, drinking a similar drink, "The moon is all they're talking about in America, too.  I wish there were more interesting front-page news.  Right, Kanna-chan?"  He moved the paper in front of her face to get a better look.

Behind a tree, Sugino was observing him target, "He makes a point of relaxing behind the school every day before class, with a drink and an English newspaper he got from Hawai'i at Mach 20. Just as reported. Thanks, Nagisa." Alongside him was Nagisa, holding onto his notes.

Nagisa nodded, "Yep. Good luck, Sugino."

"You got it. That ten billion yen is mine!" Sugino held up a baseball covered in Anti-Sensei BB's. He raised his foot up and began to throw the ball at Koro-Sensei.

We are killers. And our target is our teacher.

As the ball quickly reached their teacher's head, Koro-Sensei was already behind the two boys, "Good morning!" The two boys gasped in surprise, "Remember, speak up when you greet someone!"

Sugino freaked out, looking back at the chair and at their teacher. Kanna waved from her chair and started walking towards them.

"G-Good morning, Koro-Sensei." Nagisa greeted their teacher.

"Embedding those anti-me BB's into a baseball? A fine idea! It won't make the kind of noises an air gun would. However..." Koro-Sensei watched everything in slow motion from his chair, "I had all this time to kill waiting for the ball to arrive, and my cells would fall apart if I touched those BB's directly." Koro-Sensei entered the storage room and fixed a crooked board over the door, "So that's why I popped over to the equipment room to grab a glove." He revealed a baseball glove holding the baseball, leaving the two boys shocked.

Koro-Sensei's face grew green stripes as he tossed the baseball in his glove, "I do hope you can kill me—before graduation, that is." The bell rang signaling homeroom, "Now then, time for homeroom."

Sugino bowed his head in defeat, "Yes, sir..."

Koro-Sensei turned towards his daughter and stuck one of tentacle out, "Shall we take our leave Kanna-chan?"

As Kanna passed the two boys, she turned to Sugino and patted his back, "Good try, Sugino-san."

"Thanks, Kanna..." She walked up to Koro-Sensei and held his tentacle. Nagisa turned towards the sullen boy worried, "Dammit. Guess my bell won't do the trick after all."

"Sugino..." His friend had a shadow covering his eyes, hiding his depressing thoughts.


Our teacher vaporized 70 percent of the moon.  Next March, he said he'll destroy Earth.  For whatever reason, this creature wanted to be our teacher.  The Ministry of Defense gave us a mission: kill him by next March.  There's a reward of ten billion yen!

As Nagisa focused on Koro-Sensei's lecture, Kayano whispered to get his attention, "Hey, Nagisa—Sugino's assassination attempt failed this morning, huh?"

They both turned towards the sullen boy staring at his hand, "Uh-huh.  He's been down in the dumps ever since."

"It's nothing to get bummed out about.  I mean, none of us have succeeded yet."  Nagisa turned his attention towards his teacher once more.

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