Chapter 3: Karma's Time

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3rd POV

"One! Two! Three! Four!" The shouts of the students echoed across the field, "Five! Six! Seven! Eight!"

Koro-Sensei smiled as he twirled a dandelion, wearing a old-fashioned gym uniform with his name on the front and a red cap, "The sounds of exercise echoing across the field on a sunny afternoon: how peaceful! If the students didn't have prey in their sights, that is."

The students were standing in rows practicing their knife swings. Karasuma stood beside him giving instructions, "Wield your knives properly from all eight directions, now." The students listened and continued practicing their swings, "From now own, I'm in charge of phys ed."

Koro-Sensei looked down, "That makes me a little lonely."

"Didn't I tell you to make yourself scarce during this period?" He pointed behind them, "Go play in the sandbox with the kid."

Koro-Sensei cried, making a large hill in the sandbox.  Kanna sat beside the hill making a small sand castle, "You're so mean, Karasuma-Sensei.  Why, my students happen to like my gym classes!"

Sugaya sighed and rested his Anti-Sensei combat knife over his shoulder, "Liar.  Koro-Sensei's physical abilities are just too different."

Sugino added on, "Remember that one time?"


"Now let's try jumping side to side.  I'll show you how it's done."  Koro-Sensei marked three lines on the ground and began jumping between then at Mach 20.

"As if!"  Okajima, Maehara, and Sugino yelled in unison.

"Once you're used to it, toss some cat's cradle into the mix."  Red string suddenly appeared between his tentacles in the shape of a cat's cradle.

"Damn he's too good!"  Okajima, Maehara, and Sugino yelled in unison.

--Flashback Over--

"He's just too far out."  Nakamura chimed in.

"I'd like a human teacher for gym, thanks."  Sugino finished.

Making Koro-Sensei cry as he made a rock tower, "Boo hoo hoo...". Kanna sat in front of him making her own.

"Okay, let's get back to work."

"But Karasuma-Sensei, is there any point to all this training?" Maehara asked, "And should we be doing it right in front of our target?"

"It's the same in assassination as in studying: Drill the basics and they'll serve you well."

The same?

"Isogai, Maehara, step forward." Isogai and Maehara complied, "Try hitting me with those knives."

"Are you sure?" Isogai asked.

"As a team?" Maehara added.

"Those knives won't hurt us humans. If they give me so much as a scratch, you can go home for the day," Karasuma stated as he loosened his tie.

"Uh...well, er...okay, then." Isogai and Maehara stood in a fighting position. Isogai moved first, attacking head on. Karasuma swiftly moved to the side.

"Come on." Maehara grunted and charged at him. Karasuma grabbed him by the arm and dodged. The two boys continuously attacked the government agent, however it proved to be futile as the man blocked their attacks, barely moving an inch, "As you can see, with a little knowledge, even I can handle the knives of two amateurs."

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