Chapter 4: Adult Time

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3rd POV

"Oh!  Long time no see, Big Teach," it was another normal day as Koro-Sensei headed to a convince store, with Kanna in tentacle, to stock up on his junk food addiction in human disguise, "You too Kanna!  You've gotten bigger since the last time I saw you."

"Eh?  Have I really?"  Kanna asked.

Koro-Sensei hummed and placed his basket on the counter, "Yes, I've finally gotten paid."

He finished paying and headed outside holding a plastic bag full of his new snacks, "Japan's cheap snacks are of superb quality.  They're absolutely worth disguising myself for!", He stared at his bag and back to Kanna, "Wouldn't you agree Kanna?"

She nodded in agreement, already snacking on a small bag of rice crackers.

"Stop that!"  Koro-Sensei turned his attention to a feminine voice in the distance.  He saw a blond woman being harassed by three gangster-looking men in front of a car.

"Aw, just come with us, willya?"

"But I have to get to my new teaching position!"  She shook, trying to get out of the grip of one of the men.

"So you're a teacher!"

"Tutor us, then—we're awful dumb!"

Koro-Sensei snuck up behind them, a dark shadow on his disguised face, "Why don't I tutor you in the right way to hit on a woman from your car?"  He grabbed the three men and shoved them into the car, "Lesson 1: Decorate your car beautifully," He pulled out a pink ribbon and wrapped the entire car in it.

The three men screamed, "The car's lousy with ribbons!"

"There is no Lesson 2," Koro-Sensei quickly appeared in front of the woman, "Are you all right?"

"Ah!  Thank you so much!"  The woman held onto Koro-Sensei's chest and looked up at him, "What an upstanding man.  I'll never forget your kindness!  By the way, do you know how to get to Kunugigaoka Junior High?"

In the background, Kanna tilted her head in confusion at what she had just witnessed, holding onto the plastic bag of junk food, still snacking on her crackers.


"Now, allow me to introduce your brand-new temporary foreign-language teacher," Karasuma began the introduction.  Kanna ignored them and focused on drawing.

"Irina Jelavich.  Nice to meet you all!"  Irina clung onto Koro-Sensei's tentacles.  The teacher was still in his human disguise.

'What a knockout!'

'What knockers!'

Wait...Why's she all over him?

"Who'd have thought you were a teacher here?"  Irina still clung onto Koro-Sensei as he took off his disguise.

'Pisses me off...'

"That's a wig," The octopus went back to his yellow hue as he took off his hair.

"Oh, I don't mind!"

Karasuma looked up at the octopus, "This school intends to give you authentic experience in foreign languages.  I trust there are no complaints about her taking over half your English lessons?"

"If we must..."

Kayano had a sweat drop as she talked to Nagisa, "We've got us one heck of a teacher!  Not only that, she seems to really have a thing for Koro-Sensei."

"Uh-huh.  I might get some assassination hints out of this," Nagisa pulled out his notepad.

The octopoid Koro-Sensei seems flummoxed, having a human woman hanging all over him.  His face has so many unique colors—so what color is "bewilderment"?

Ansatsu Kyoushitsu OC Fanfic: My Shooting Starحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن