- Soft spot -

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"Aw, fuck." You grumble, rubbing your eye as Vacne looks at you with a confused glance, moving the bed covers slightly so he can see your face.

"What?" He questions, confused as to why you woke in such a mad mood.

"I left my bra on last night." You mutter in annoyance, reaching back and underneath your shirt and unclipping your bra, sighing in relief when you feel the pressure release.

"Whats so bad about sleeping with it on?" Vance raises his eyebrow, looking down at the discarded bra on the floor before looking back at you.

You grab one of his pillows, bringing it towards you and wrapping your arms around it.

"It's so uncomfortable, and it leaves marks. But mostly its uncomfortable so I hate it. You're lucky you're a boy, you guys have it easy." You say, closing your eyes to get a little more sleep before school starts.

Vance scoffs and shakes his head, pulling the pillow from you and bringing you closer to him, wrapping you in a hug.

"No need to cuddle a pillow when I'm right here." He mumbles, kissing your head as you bring your head to his chest.

You smile lightly at his actions. This is the bot you fell in love with. The boy only he let you see. This was your Vance. The softer Vance. The Vance who didn't hide behind his ice walls.

Sighing, you close your eyes once more and drift off into a small nap.


"We have English right?" Finney says from your left and you nod, smiling.

"Yup, I just gotta go get my book from my locker. Wanna come for the walk?"

Finney nods, his curls bouncing along with him before the two of you begin walking towards your locker.

Vance, who was walking the opposite way. He sends you a small yet heart felt smile, acknowledging your presence as he walks past, his smile brightening when you send him one in return.

No one really knew what was going on between the two of you, but some of them had begun to notice the stares the two of you would send eachother. Or the way Vance's mood would change when you entered the room.

They also picked up on how you'd be the only person in the whole school that he wouldn't pick on.

Vance was known for his fighting hobbies and cruel behavior, but not once had anyone seen him use them against you. You were his soft spot.

Some of Vances friends look between the two of you before scoffing and shaking their heads.

Vances soft eyes watch you walk by with Finney Blake, his heart hammering against his chest as the scent of your perfume flew to his nostrils, filling his senses. God he was so in love it wasn't even funny.

"Her? Really?" One of his friends mutters.

Vances soft gaze hardens as he turns to them, bringing his hand up and grabbing the guy by his head, slamming it into the metal lockers, a loud thud echoing through the halls.

Heads turn for a quick moment before everyone goes back to what they were doing as they noticed it was Vance who caused the commotion.

"You shut your mouth." Vance speaks through his teeth, his eyes daring the boy to utter another word.

His friend looks at him with a slightly angered look, bringing his hand up to rub the side of his head so he could ease the pain.

"Jesus, Vance. What the hell did you do that for?" Another one of his friends mutter, shaking their head.

Vance just rolls his eyes before walking down the hall and out the door.



ou open the door to Vance's room, smiling lightly when you spot him laying on his bed, Led Zeppelin playing lightly from his speakers.

Vance's gaze switches from the pocket knife he was playing with to where you were standing, smiling lightly when you wave.

"Hey," you mutter, dropping your bag and walking over to him. "I didn't see you in class? Where were you?" You ask, flopping down on the bed next to him.

Vance shrugs, placing the pocket knife on his bedside table.

"Got bored, left early." He mutters and you nod, yawning.

Vance chuckles lightly before opening his arms for you.

You smile brightly, immediately moving your self to attach yourself to his side, his arms wrapping around you and yours his.

"Do you want me to catch you up?" You ask, almost half asleep and you feel Vance shake his head.

"Nah, I don't care about that stuff. But I do care about you. I wanna tell people we're together now. I don't like hiding it." He mutters, running his thumb up and down your arm.

You nod, yawning once again, your eyes fluttering closed before you force them to stay open a little longer. "If that's what you want, we can do it, but right now I wanna go to sleep." You mutter before finally closing your eyes.

Vance smiles at you, shaking his head. You were always so tired, and he didn't understand why. All you did was sleep.

Letting out a small sigh, Vance reaches over and turns off the radio, hoping not to wake your already sleeping figure.

He stares at the ceiling a moment before realizing something, his memories bringing your voice to his head.

Slowly and carefully, he brings his hand down and slides it under your shirt and up your back, finding the clip of your bra and tugging it before it separates. He carefully pulls the straps from your shoulders and slides the undergarment from your body, before discarding it onto the floor.

He wraps his arm back around you and tugs your shirt down so you keep warm, rubbing your back lightly before kissing your head.

"There you go doll." He whispers before closing his own eyes and drifting off into his own dream world.

Unknowing to him though, you were awake when he did it, smiling against his chest as you felt him carefully remove your bra.

He remembered.

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