- Soft -

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Vance was the last person anyone would expect to be in this position.

But here he was, cuddled up in your arms while you play with his hair.

Most people think he wouldn't be caught dead like this. Which is true, he wouldn't have been caught snuggling up with someone. But you're the exception.

Vance has had a few girlfriends in the past, but you're the only girlfriend he's ever felt anything other than pleasure for. You're his forever.

You've made him soft.

But, he's only soft around you. No one else. You're forbidden from tell anyone about this side of him.

Of course, he was still good ol' tough ass pinball Vance when you're in public, but as soon as its the two of you behind closed doors, he's a giant teddy bear.

"I love when you do this." He whispers, half asleep as you continue to run your fingers through his hair.

He's on top of you, in between you legs, arms around your waist as his head lays on your tummy.

"You do? I couldn't tell." You tease, and you feel his chuckle vibrate through you.


You smile, shaking your head. "I cant believe I've tamed the big bad Vance Hopper. I feel special."

Vance smiles, shaking his head. "You are special."

You blush a little, rolling your eyes playfully. "Shush." You say, using his words against him.

The two of you lay there for a little longer before you feel a giant weight pounce on both you and Vance. The two of you letting out groans.

"Hades!" Vance yells at his dog and you laugh.

(I don't know why but I just feel like Vance would have a dog)

"Come here boy." You say in a baby voice while patting your lap, motioning the dog towards you.

Vance groans when you slip out from underneath him, his face landing on the soft mattress of his bed.

You give Hades a cuddle, Hades licking your face while you laugh.

Vance pulls you back towards him, causing you to let out a yelp and small laugh when he places you back under him, in the exact same position as before.

Hades lays down next the two of you and you smile.

"I love you." He whispers and you smile.

"I love you too." 

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