- Apocalyptic (Pt. 2) -

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"Run!" Bruce yells.

He sprints past you, grabbing your hand on the way before dragging you back to the store you both came from earlier.

You both don't waste any time before slamming the door behind you and locking it.

"Quick, help me with these." Bruce says, moving behind one of the shelves.

You immediately run over to him and begin helping him push the shelf towards the door to cover it and stop any zombies from coming in.

The sound of banging and groggy moans can be heard from the other side of the door making you and Bruce look at eachother with fear.



The two of you do that with a few more shelves, pushing them with the other one, even putting one infront of the soot covered window just incase.

Both you and Bruce are panting a little after moving the food covered shelves, both of you sitting on the floor.

The room was quiet, the only sound coming from the Rippers trying to get inside. Neither you nor Bruce knew how many were waiting out there and you weren't about to find out either.

A sudden wave of terror washes over your nervous system, goosebumps crawling up your skin with a small chill as you realize that this may be it.

You won't ever get to see your friends again.

You won't ever get to see Robin again.

"Don't think like that."

Bruce's words broke you from your small whirl of thoughts, causing you to turn to his confused.

"Did I say that out loud?"

Bruce shakes his head, leaning forward and crossing his legs.

"No, but I can tell what you're thinking. We'll see them again y/n. We're making it out of here."

You send him a small smile. You admire his confidence in the idea of the two of you living, but from your perspective you believe that the two of you were completely and utterly fucked.

"What do we do Bruce?" You sigh, bringing your knees up and resting your arms on them, leaning back onto the wall behind you and knocking your head back. "We're fucked."

Bruce watches you stare at the roof before reaching into his pocket and grabbing his torch.

He flashes it around the darkest parts of the already dark room, looking for any sign of escape. His hand slowly moves, dragging the light along the wall and roof, stopping when he spots a metal rectangle right in the corner.

A vent.

"Y/n." Bruce whispers making you look at him.

He nods his head in the direction his light was pointed at making you turn your head to where he was motioning to.

You narrowed eyes lossened from their light frown as you spot the vent.

"Shit Bruce." You say, getting up and grabbing your torch, flicking it on and walking towards the vent.

Bruce follows you, looking back at the stacked shelves to make sure they're stable before focussing back on the task at hand.

"If we find a way out we have to come back for the food." He says and you nod, humming.

You grab the stool behind the counter, taking it over towards the vent and placing it just underneath the opening.

Bruce taps your leg lightly and you turn to him.

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