- Bloody Knuckes -

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"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

You furrow you eyebrows at the distant sound of cheering as you make your way towards school.

Entering the grounds, you spot a big group of people huddled around what you're guessing is a fight, shouting and cheering it along.

Who the hell is fighting this early in the...Robin.

You sigh, your boyfriend was always getting into fights. Not that you cared– well you did, you just didn't care he fought. You did care that he got hurt in the process though.

Making your way to the crowd, you push your way through to the middle where you saw a familiar boy with a bandana, fighting the one and only Moose.

You couldn't blame Robin honestly, Moose is an asshole. You're actually kind of glad someone has finally decided to put him in his place.

You stare at Robin as he stands infront of Moose, waiting for something to happen.

"You gonna do something pendejo? You had alot to say before. Here I am."

Robin looked mad, furious even. What the hell did Moose do to get him this fired up?

Moose looks back at his friends who shake their head at him, knowing he stood no chance against Robin. But he just ignored them and launches himself at your boyfriend.

Robin steps to the side, rolling his eyes before grabbing Moose by his shirt and pulling him back with so much force, people hear the audible tear of Moose's shirt.

Landing on the floor with a grunt, Moose rolls to his side and stands back up. He blindly throws a punch, not even aiming, just hoping he would hit something.

He did, he got Robin right in the cheek. And boy was he mad.

"Get him Robin!"

You turn to see Gwen beside you, smiling at the fight. You don't know why this girl loves violence so much. Its honestly scary. 

Robin punches Moose in the stomach before grabbing his curly hair and slamming his head down onto his knee.

Everyone in the crowd, including you let out a loud "oooo", people covering their mouths and scrunching their noses up.

Moose lets out a cry of pain and covers his face to stop the blood from running out of his nose.

"You bitch!" Moose lets out, teeth already stained from the blood pouring out of his nose.

Robin pushes him down onto the grass before climbing over him and landing more punches on his face.

People wince for Moose and begin making their way into the building as the bell rings. You, and a few other kids staying behind to watch the rest of the fight.

Robin continues to punch his face, not slowing down for once second and you actually begin to grow worried for the poor boy. His face was covered in his own spit and blood and his eyes are already swollen and bruised. He looks horrible.

Deciding enough was enough, you quickly move forward and grab Robins arm before he can to anymore damage.

You feel him stiffen under your touch and freeze. Turning to see who grabbed him, his gaze visibly softens when he spots his girlfriend holding onto his arm.

"C'mon Robin, he's had enough."

Robin looks down at Moose, scanning over his bruised and bloody face before nodding at you and standing to his feet.

You grab his chin between your thumb and index finger, tilting his head to the side and looking over the forming bruise on his left eye.

Sucking in a breath between your teeth you drop you hand. "Shit Robin, your eye is turning black."

Robin lets out a small laugh. "You should see the other guy."

Smiling, you roll your eyes before grabbing onto his hand softly. "C'mon, lets get you cleaned up."

He nods and you lead him to the boys bathroom, not caring about the fact your a girl.

Opening the door, you walk towards the tap and turn it on, Robin following behind you.

A few guys give you a weird look, most not deciding to open their mouth knowing that Robin is your boyfriend. But one dumbass decides to speak up.

"This is the boys bathroom, get out."

The guy tries to usher you out of the room but freezes when he spots Robin giving him the biggest glare the guy  has probably ever seen.

"Leave." Robins voice is rough, and annoyed. He doesn't want to deal with this shit right now.

It doesn't take long before all the boys that remained in the bathroom left, including the ones in stalls.

Robin walks towards you and you softly take his hand in yours again, running his bloody knuckles under the tap, rinsing off any of the excess blood to see what you have to deal with.

The skin on his knuckles is split in a few places and you can already spot the bruises forming.

"Jesus christ Robin, what the hell did Moose do this time?" You asked.

Robin often got into fights with Moose, but it was never this bad. He's never gone this far before.

"He was shit-talking. Saying shit like he could easily steal you away from me."

You look at him with raised eyebrows before laughing and shaking your head.

"Thats so stupid. I would never leave you."

Robin nods, looking over his knuckles as you look through your bag. "I know, i just wanted to make sure he knew.

You smile and pull out the antiseptic cream you've learned to bring with you just in case of situations like this.

Robin brings his hand towards you, holding it out so you could apply the cream, not even flinching when the natural sting kicks in.

Once the cream is on nice and good, you softly take his fingers and bring them to your lips, kissing the top of his hand.

Robin smiles softly before pulling you closer and placing a proper kiss on your lips.

The moment was sweet, but cut short as more students came in the bathroom, interrupting your kiss.

Robin sighs before reaching down and grabbing his bag, you move over to his left side and grab onto his hand, interlocking your fingers before you both make your way out of the bathroom.

Walking down the halls, you turn your head to Robin. "What class do you have?" You ask.

"Math, I hate it. Can we skip first period?" He begs, even though he already knew what your answer was.

You laugh lightly before shaking your head. "Nope, I have English and you're going to Math."

Robin groans, only making you laugh harder as you both make your way to your next classes.

"See you next period." He says, knowing you both had Science with Finney next.

Leaning down, he places a quick kiss on your cheek before leaving, a bright smile covering your features as you turn around and find your way to your English class.

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