- Apocalyptic (Pt. 3) -

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"Are you sure we can make that?"

You turn to Bruce, shaking your head lightly before turning back to the scene infront of you.

"No," you mutter, backing up a bit. "But we can try." You add.

Bruce gulps lightly, nodding his head with a hint of fear covering his features.

Infront of the two of you was a twenty to thirty foot drop onto solid concrete and the only way to get to the autoshop was to jump the eight feet gap between the two buildings.

The sound and growls of Rippers near buy can be heard and you and Bruce pace back and forth.

The only advantage you and Bruce had was that the auto shop was a little lower than the store you were currently on.

"Fuck it." You mutter, taking your bag off of you and throwing it over to the other side. The two of you had already wasted enough time pacing and the sky was already a dark blue meaning its going to be pitch black in a mere few minutes.

Sighing, you step forward. "I didn't do long jump in middle school for nothing." You mutter looking at Bruce.

Bruce shakes his head, moving forward and grabbing your arm. "Nuh-Uh. That's suicide." He scolds, lightly glaring at you.

You shrug.

"We're dead either way Bruce."

You send the boy a look and he closes his eyes tightly before releasing your wrist and looking away with a small nod.

You smile lightly before walking iver to the edge, peeking over and letting out a shaky breath.

Heights have never been your strong suit, you've been afraid of them since you can remember.

But you eventually have to fave your fears one day.

That day is today.

Bruce watches you back away from the edge to get a head start before closing his eyes and turning away.

"I can't watch."

You let out another breath before getting ready and before you know it you're sprinting towards the edge, each step you take adds another ounce of fear into your body.

You let out a sharp gasp as you feel everything drop.

Your stomach, your heart, you. It all drops as you leap from the edge, wind blowing over your skin, a thousand goosebumps parading over your body like a wave.

It all moves in slow-motion, it's terrifying and freeing at the same time, as if your flying.

Only you have to land and you know the landing is going to be painful.

You near the edge of the other building, you hold your arms out and then the impact hits.

You body slams into the top of the auto shop and what you thought was going to be a graceful landing turned into you  just body slamming the shop.

A groan erupts from your lips as you feel the pain spread through your body.

"Y/n? Are you alive?" Bruce calls out and you look up at him, noticing he was still sheikding himself from the sight.

"Yep, I'm all good." You say through your teeth before using your hands to help yourself up. "Definitely gonna leave a mark though."

Bruce let's out a relieved sigh, looking back over to you and smiling. "I thought you were gonna die." He said.

You shook your head, moving to pick up the bag you threw over. "Nope. Now it's your turn." You say, clapping one time and stepping back.

Bruce immediately shakes his head. "Fuck no. I wouldn't make it." He says with wide eyes.

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