- Dear Robin -

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"Dear Robin," You whisper, smiling lightly through your tears.

Robin stares at you with loving eyes, a sad smile on his face.

You bring the letter you wrote up to your chest so you could read the words you've been writing.

"I have loved you since the moment I layed eyes on you. Since the moment I saw you standing up for yourself infront of the whole school." You mutter, smiling at the letter, looking up for a second before looking back down to read.

"I remember when we first met. When I thought you were one of my friends and scared you. I went home with a black eye that day." You laughed a little, a tear falling onto the paper, the ink seeping into the small puddle of salty liquid.

Robin chuckled a little, shaking his head at you, his own tears starting to form.

You take a deep breath, releasing it into a shaky sigh before continuing on with your letter.

"I remember when you came up to me the next day to apologize for accidentally hitting me even though you already said sorry." You smile at the memory of you and Robin.


You bring your work books close to your chest before closing your locker, flinching when you spot the same boy from yesterday.

"Oh....hey." You mutter awkwardly, before yesterday, you'd only ever seen him in a few fights.

Robin sends you a small smile.

"Hey, uh- I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to hit you. I kinda just– my instincts kicked in and well..." Robin drags out, gesturing to your bruised eye.

You nod in understandment, you probably would've done the same if you were in his position.

"No, its fine. You don't have to apologize. If anything, I should be apologizing to you. It wasn't my intention to scare you. I thought you were someone else." You smile, nodding your head awkwardly.

You didn't mean to be this awkward, you'd just never talked to the boy so you had no idea what to say.

Robin decides to ignore it though, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. "Nah, you're good. But, I do want to take you out some time. To say sorry for yesterday." He said.

You smile at the boy, slowly nodding your head. "You don't have to apologize but I'll go anyway." You said and Robin smiles, nodding.

"Great! Uh- cool. I'll see you at lunch?" He asks, pointing behind him in the direction to the cafeteria area.

You nod with a smile.

"Yeah, see you then."


You laugh a little. "I was so nervous that day. You were definitely one of the most best looking people I had ever layed my eyes on." You mutter, wiping your cheek.

Robin laughs, tilting his head side to side.

You smile before reading more.

"But I knew from that day on I'd fall in love and continue to love you for the rest of my life. Because you're it for me Robin. You're the one I love. The only one." You mutter that last part, furrowing your eyebrows with a small pout, another tear drop falling.

Robin looks at you sadly, shaking his head. "Don't cry." He whispers.

You let out a small sob, shaking your head. You bring your hand up to your mouth to silence your pain, looking around the area.

The air smelt fresh and the trees were saying softly in the wind. The sun was clear in the sky and the autumn leaves were covering the bright green grass. It was beautiful to say the least. Nature was beautiful.

You just wished he was here to experience it with you.

"Fucking hell." You mutter, more tears falling from your eyes.

You slowly kneel down, placing the note infront of the beautiful decorated stone, reading the engravements.

Robin Arellano
Beloved Nephew, Friend, Boyfriend

"Fuck him." You mutter, shaking your head at the thought of the man who was responsible for this.

You let out another shaky breath, brushing off the dry leaves that had fallen on his headstone before running your fingers over it.

"I love you Robin. I will always love you." You whisper, reaching into your pocket and pulling out a small piece of jewelry that you had gifted to him last year. A bracelet. He'd worn it everyday since you gave it to him. Never took it off once.

The police had found it a few weeks after he'd gone missing, decided to give it to you as there was a small engravement with his and your name on it.

You place it softly infront of his headstone with the letter, a few more tears falling from your eyes.

"Goodbye Robin." You whisper, leaning forward a little and placing you lips on the headstone softly.

You slowly stand up from the grass, looking over the grave for a few more seconds before turning around and heading back to the car.

Robin watches you go, his own cheeks stained with tears. He had so much so tell you. So many things he wanted to say, to do. But he couldn't. Instead, he was forced to watch you go.

Smiling softly, Robin stares at your retreating figure.

"Goodbye Y/n." He whispers before there's a soft breeze of wind and he vanishes.

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