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Halloween is tonight and it's also your birthday and you couldn't be happier. Besides the obvious fact that you're a witch and the coven throws a big harvest feast on top of the birthday gifts you receive your mother always takes you trick or treating as well.

This year you wanted to do a family costume from your favorite movie 101 Dalmatians. You were going as a puppy, Cordelia was going as Anita, and somehow you convinced Mina to be Cruella Deville.

Currently Misty was helping you apply the last touches to your costume as Cordelia was in the other room helping Mina. The redhead growls as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"I look absolutely ridiculous." She says.

"You look amazing darling." Cordelia smiles as she zips up her dress.

Mina rolls her eyes looking at the blonde through the mirror.

"Remind me why I'm doing this again?"

Cordelia smiles wrapping her arms around her waist hugging her tight.

"Because there is a really cute puppy in there that begged her Momma to dress up with her."

"Ohh right. That's why. I swear she has me wrapped around her finger." Mina chuckles.

Cordelia smiles turning Mina in her arms kissing her softly.
"Thank you for doing this. I know it's ridiculous but y/n is so excited. Hank never did this and once he left it was just the two of us. She's really happy you're coming with us and so am I."

Mina smiles kissing Cordelia once more. "You're welcome. I'm happy to be included even if I have to dress up. I'd do anything for that girl."

"I know that's one of the many reasons I love you so much."

"I love you too," Mina says as they lean in for another kiss.

"Break it up mommies your pup is ready to go." Misty calls from the bedroom door. The two women smile at her as they hear little feet running toward them.

"Do I look, cute momma?" You asked looking up at Mina.

She smiles wide as she looks down at you in your puppy costume completed with black spots around your eyes and nose.

"You're absolutely adorable little one. The cutest puppy I've ever seen." She says.

"Thank you, Momma! You look really pretty. And so do you, mommy!" You said smiling at Cordelia.

"Thank you, baby. You're really cute. Did you thank Misty for helping you?"

"Yes, mommy I did. She said I can thank her with candy."

Cordelia laughed looking over at Misty.

"Don't forget kiddo I like all things chocolate." The blonde winks before walking off.

The two women laugh as they watch her leave.
"Alright baby, you ready to go?" Cordelia asked.
You smiled nodding your head.

Hours later you returned with your mother's and bags loaded with candy. Once we paid Misty with chocolate and washed up your mother tucked you into bed.

"Did you have a good time tonight?" Delia asked.

"Mhmm. It was so fun."

"I'm glad baby."

"Where's momma?" You asked.

"She's hurting baby so she's laying down."

"Oh. Can I go tell her Goodnight?" You asked. Cordelia smiles nodding her head.

You take off towards their bedroom finding the woman laying down in bed. You quietly walked up to her not wanting to scare her.


Mina blinks adjusting her eyes and to find yours. "Yes?"

"Thank you for coming with me tonight. I had a lot of fun. I'm sorry you're in pain."

"You're very welcome I had a good time too. And don't you worry about me little one I'm fine." She says with a smile.

You smiled leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"I love you, Momma. Goodnight." You whispered.

"Goodnight my love." She whispered back watching you leave.

Once Cordelia got you settled and said Goodnight she joined Mina in bed. She curled up behind her wrapping her arms around the redhead.

"Thank you, Mina. You have no idea how much this meant to me and to y/n."

"Trust me love it meant a lot to me as well." She says squeezing Cordelia's hand.
The blonde smiles kissing her temple softly before snuggling next to her.
"I love you, Mina."

"I love you too Delia."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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