The Witch Bitch From New York

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Cordelia Goode x Mina Venable x Reader

At the age of 13, you knew that Mina was different than most. You always knew she needed the cane to walk but didn't exactly know why until one night your mothers explained it to you.

Mina was worried that you would see her as a monster like most people do but you couldn't. You could never look at her that way. She was your mother after all. Not many of the other girls at the academy knew about Mina's condition and while some did they didn't dare speak about it.

Walking into your next class you sit down waiting for Myrtle to begin. Zoe sits to your right while Madison is on your left. While you and Madison didn't always get along she always had your back and vice versa. The three of you grew up together in the academy and your bond was strong.

Behind you was a group of newer witches. They were a couple of years older than you and arrived a couple of months ago. Maci was a redhead from North Carolina she was all bark but no bite. Emily was from Ohio and she had long brown hair and was dumber than rocks. They were Heather's lapdogs as Madison called them. Heather was from New York City and she made sure everyone knew it.  She had long blonde hair and sea blue eyes your typical mean girl. She was very popular at her old school and her parents had more money than god. Heather was just a bitch plain and simple. You tried to stay away from them as much as possible because your mother would never forgive you if you set one of them on fire.

As you waited for class to begin you could hear them gossiping behind you.

"Did y'all hear apparently our dear supreme is a dyke." Maci says.

The other two girls gasp in fake surprise.
"Yeah, I heard her type in women was Halloween," Maci adds with a chuckle.

You griped your notebook tight as you tried to ignore them.
Zoe is quick to grab your hand offering you a smile.
"They aren't worth it." She whispered.

"Ohh y/n.." Heather calls out. You turn in your seat facing her.

"Is it true Mina is a freak of nature?" She asked.

"Hey!" Madison yells turning in her seat.
"Back off bitch." She yells in Heather's direction.

"Or what?"

"Or I'll beat your ass you trophy wife in training," Madison smirks.

Heather chuckles as she returns her gaze to you.

"I heard Mina is like Frankenstein and she has a few pieces sewed together like an art project. Is that true?"

"Fuck you, Heather!" You yelled at the blonde.

"Awe poor y/n it's got to suck being the daughter of Frankenstein and a dyke. Do you have to help her oil her parts or is that Cordelia's job?" She asked with a chuckle.

The next thing you knew you were across the table knocking her to the ground as you land punch after punch to her face. The class gasped as they watched.

"Yess! Beat her ass!" Madison cheers.

"Girls! Girls!" Myrtle screams as she pulls you off of Heather.

"That's enough! Both of you go to Cordelia's office. Now!" She screams pointing down the hallway.

You growled as Heather walks by holding her bloody nose.

"Looks like daddy's going to have to buy you a new nose." Madison chuckled giving her a small pout. 

"Madison!" Myrtle warns.


You've been waiting outside Cordelia's office for the last hour. She's spoken to Heather, Myrtle, and all of the other girls in the class. Heather insisted on calling her parents so Cordelia had to speak with them as well. Finally, the door opens as she allows Heather to exit the office.

The girl smirks as she walks past you. You glared in her direction.

"Y/n!" Your mother calls out to you. You sighed making your way into the office seeing Mina sitting in the chair across from Cordelia's desk.

Cordelia sits in her chair shaking her head as she looks at you.
"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"She deserved it." You grumbled.

"Y/n," Mina warns.

"Well, she did! She is a grade A bitch and she's always saying nasty things about both of you! She and her lap dogs called you both dykes and called momma Frankenstein! I tried I really did but that was the last straw so yeah I beat her ass. If you want to punish me do it! I don't care but if she does it again I will beat her ass again. Hell, she's lucky all I did was hit her because I could have dropped a house on that bitch!" You yelled as you dramatically threw yourself down in the chair next to Mina.

Mina couldn't help the chuckle that escapes while Cordelia ducks her head so you can't see her smile.

"Nonetheless you can't be violent towards the other girls." Cordelia finally says once she's collected herself.

"If it means protecting the two of you I will do whatever is necessary. Ask Madison and Zoe she had it coming."

"That may be my love but the fact of the matter is you broke her nose and bruised both her eyes. I can't allow that type of behavior even if you are my daughter. So because of that you and Heather will both be punished."

"Fine." You mumbled.

"Now as your supreme I am very disappointed but as your mother, I am extremely proud of you." She says with a smile.

You looked up at her in shock.
"You are?"

She nods.

"Little one," Mina calls out to you.
"Thank you for being so protective of me.  I know it's hard when the girls talk about things they don't understand. And while I appreciate your protectiveness can we not go around punching people or dropping houses on them." She adds with a smile.

You chuckled. "Yes ma'am. I'm sorry. She just made me so angry."

"I understand. But you don't always have to protect me little one. I can do it myself."

"But you're my mom. I want to protect you...both of you. You two are the best mothers I could possibly ask for and it upsets me when others talk badly about you. And I know how you feel about your back and I don't want anyone to make you feel less than what you are."

Mina chuckles as tears roll down her cheeks. "Come here, baby." She says softly as you sit in her lap.

"There will always be people who say mean things, especially about me. However, their opinions don't matter. The only people I worry about are you and your mother. Okay? You don't have to protect me all the time. While I am thankful you love me so fiercely I can't allow you to put yourself in harm's way because of it. So no more. If something is said you come and talk to us. Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." You sighed. She smiles hugging you tightly.

"I love You." She says as she kisses your forehead.

"I love you too Momma. And I'm sorry." You whispered. She nods her head.

Cordelia clears her throat gaining your attention. You smiled as she sends you a wink. Getting up from Mina's lap you walk around the desk to sit on Cordelia's.

"My sweet, protective girl I love you so much. And believe me, I know how hard it is to listen to people talk about your Momma. But we must learn to compose ourselves. And because of that you and Heather both will have extra chores for a month and you're to help Misty with the littles as well."

"Yes ma'am." You whispered.
She smiles kissing your cheek softly.
"I love you, sweet girl."
"I love you too."

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