She Gets This From You

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Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Reader ( daughter)

"Ughhh!" you screamed slamming your mother's office door behind you. The two women jumped at the sound both looking in your direction.

"Sweetheart are you alright?" Cordelia spoke first looking at you with concern.

"Can I kill Madison?" you screamed.

"Absolutely not!" Cordelia answered.

"Well..." Mina chimes in.

" Wilhemina!" Cordelia gasped looking over at the redhead.

"Well, she is really annoying."

"Thank you!" you agreed looking at your redheaded mother.

Cordelia shakes her head and sighs "Y/n I understand Madison is an acquired taste but she is still a part of this coven and you can't kill her."

"Aw come on mom! What if I promise to bring her back after??" you whined.

"Y/n." The blonde glares at you sending you a warning.

"Ughh. Fine. " you huffed sitting down in the chair next to Mina.

"I guess she gets to see another day," you grumbled causing Mina to chuckle.

Cordelia glares at the redhead as she sits back down in her chair.

"She gets this from you!" she says pointing at Mina.

Mina smiles proudly "Yes she does." 

You giggled as Mina looks back at you and winked. Cordelia shakes her head as she lets out a chuckle.

"What am I going to do with you two?"

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