The Next Supreme

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You walked into your room slamming the door behind you. Fresh tears fall from your face as you make your way over to your bed. You knew better than to leave class. You knew you'd be in trouble for your behavior but at the moment you didn't care.

This is bullshit you think to yourself. Sobbing quietly, as your brain replayed your Auntie Myrtle's words. A knock on the door pulls you out of your thoughts.

"Go away!" you shout.

"Love. It's me. Let me in please." the soft voice calls behind the large oak door.

You sighed waving your hand to unlock the door. The blonde steps into the room closing the door behind her. 

Sighing she makes her way toward you.
"I curse the day your grandmother taught you how to lock doors."  she chuckles.

You grunt looking out the window avoiding her gaze.

"Your Auntie Myrtle tells me you left class early and caused quite a scene. Is that true?" she asked.



"Because she's a liar!" you screamed.

"Volume sweet girl. I'm willing to talk but you will not yell at me."

You sighed looking up at her with tears rolling down your face.

"She said that one of us will be the next Supreme. That when we do you will become weak. She said you will die. Is that true?"

The blonde sighs nodding her head slowly. "Yes."

"That's what's happening to Fiona, isn't it? As you get stronger she does?"


You chuckled shaking your head as more tears fall.
"Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't. I just didn't tell you yet."

"Same thing! I'm not a kid any more mom. I'm 13! You should have told me."

"Your right. I'm sorry. I should have had a conversation with you."

"Aunite Mrytle said that I have the talents to be the next supreme."

"I know she told me." She says with a smile.

"Did she also tell you I told her to shove it up her ass?"

"Yes, she did. Luckily she understands the Influence your grandmother has had on you."
She chuckles.

"This isn't funny mom!" you shout.

Cordelia sighs walking up behind you. "Being the Supreme is a great honor. If Myrtle sees it in you already that means you're truly gifted. It is extremely rare for a supreme to be succeeded by her own daughter once much less twice. You would be the most powerful supreme to rise."

"I don't want it. Give it to someone else."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to be the one that kills you.." you cry.

Cordelia sighs gently tugging you into her arms.
"Sweet girl listen to me. One day you or one of the others will rise and grow in power. And when that time comes my time will be done. It's not fast, it takes its time. But until then you and the others will continue to learn and practice until it is your time. That's the way it's always been."

"But why? Why do I or any of them get that kind of power? To take your life. I don't want it, mom. I don't want to lose you... to kill you. Please. "

"Honey there isn't anything I can do to stop it. It's the way it's always been, love. "

"Well if it's me I won't take it! I refuse!"

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that sweet girl."

"If I am so powerful then it will," you state Stubbornly.

Cordelia smiles shaking her head. " You're a stubborn child you know that?"

"She gets it from you dear," Mina says as she walks into the room. Cordelia smiles at her as she looks back at you.

" She's right. You have a lot of me in you. Y/n I know it's scary and sad. I know that you don't want to lose me. But when the time comes that's what will happen love. And the sooner you accept it the sooner we can enjoy the time we have left."

You cried harder listening to her words. You knew she was right. You'd seen how Fiona has declined once your mother found out she was the next in line. You turned wrapping your arms around her neck as you cried. Cordelia sighs pulling you in close.

"I know my love. I'm sorry it's like this."

"I can't lose you, mom. Please. You're all that I have."

"That's not true. You have this coven. You have Mina. And I will always be with you. No matter what. I love you, baby."

"She's right little one. Even after your mother is gone I will be here with you. Right by your side." She smiles through her tears.

"I love you." You cried squeezing Cordelia tight.

After a few moments, you let go looking up at her. She gives you a small smile as she wipes your tears away. Leaning in she kisses your forehead.

"One day you will be the greatest supreme this coven has ever seen. And I will be there right beside you watching you lead these girls in every way possible. I want you to remember this when I'm gone. I will always be there watching over you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mom." You cried hugging her once more.

You sighed as you pulled away from her falling into Mina's arms.

"I love you, Momma."

She smiles " I love you too little one. Even though I don't want to lose your mother either I can't wait for the day to watch you lead this coven."

Cordelia smiles as she pulls you both into a hug.
"I love you both so much. But now you have to go apologize to your Auntie Myrtle."

"Aww really?" You asked looking up at her.
She nods her head.
"Y/n you heard your mother," Mina warns. You sighed grumbling as you walked past them.

The two women laughed "We definitely have our work cut out for us." Cordelia chuckles.

Mina smiles pulling her in for a kiss. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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