I'll Miss You

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Cordelia Goode x Mina Venable x Fiona Goode (Daughter/Granddaughter)

You knew it was coming even though you thought she'd find a way to escape it. But I guess even the meanest can't escape death. Fiona was dying, slowly but she was slipping away from this world.

You noticed how strong your mother looked. How her powers increased, she was glowing. All while Fiona is being sucked dry. You knew this was how it was supposed to be but it didn't make it any easier. Specifically thinking about how one day your mother will be in the same place as Fiona.

You quietly walked into her bedroom as she slept. Sitting down on the bed you watched her carefully. Making sure her chest was still rising and falling. You couldn't help the tears that fell down your cheeks. Fiona was a lot of things, but she was still your grandmother.

"Don't cry for me child. I don't deserve it," she whispers opening her eyes to look at you.

"Everyone deserves love Fiona even you."

She chuckles "You are so much like your mother. But every now and then I see me. I see that spark. That fight. Never lose that y/n."

"I won't."

She groans as she sits up against the headboard.

"Listen to me child because I'm only saying it once. Be good to your mother, she's already had enough pain. Don't cause her anymore."

You chuckled nodding your head as you wiped stray tears off your face.

"I've done a lot of shitty things in my life. I wasn't the best mother or the best Supreme. Hell, I wasn't even the best grandmother...but I do love you, child. Your mother too. "

"I know. I love you too. So does mom, I know she does. And you weren't always so bad to me. You had your moments. You taught me a lot."

She chuckles "Only to annoy your mother."

You laughed nodding your head.

Fiona smiles grabbing your hand. "Listen to me. One day you're going to lead this coven and you will do more than me and your mother combined. You're special y/n I've always known it. Your mother too. You're going to be the most powerful Supreme to ever take the throne. And I can't wait to watch you. "

"But I don't want to be the Supreme. I don't want to kill her.."

"I know sugar. I know. But you were born for greatness. And if you're anything like me and like your mother you will be victorious. And we will be there with you every step of the way. "

You cried as you nodded your head.
"I love you grams."

"I love you too sugar. Now go on tell your mother I want to speak to her."

"Yes ma'am," you said walking towards the door.

"Fiona," you called out.

"Yes, child." she groaned.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," she whispers.

You smiled as you walked out of her room closing the door behind you. Looking up you saw your mothers.

"You okay love?" Cordelia asked.

"She's asking for you."

Cordelia nods as she gathers you in her arms kissing your head.
"Okay baby. Why don't you go with Momma ill meet you two in the room once I'm done okay?"

You nod as you walk into Mina's arms smiling as she pulls you in tight.

"Mom," you called out to Cordelia.

"Yes, baby?"

"I know she was a bad mom but she really does love you. She's scared." you cried.

"I know baby. Go with Momma. I'll be right there."

You nod as Mina walks with you toward their bedroom.

"I'm going to miss her."

Mina sighs "I know little one. Funny enough I will too."

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