The Parent I Needed

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Cordelia Goode x Wilhelmina Venable x Reader(Daughter)

You sighed into your pillow as you listened to your parents scream. They have been going at it for hours blaming each other for whatever they could come up with. You're sure the other girls could hear as well which only made you more upset.

Zoe tried to comfort you but you immediately dismissed it sending her back to her bed on the other side of the room. You hated Hank, he was an asshole. He didn't even deserve the title of being your father. He wasn't around for most of your childhood, and he always made your mother cry. He hated being around witches. And he hated your mother's girlfriend Wilhelmina. But he loved tearing down your mother. He would go out of his way to see her cry. And he loved to throw digs at Mina.

Usually, Fiona is around to knock him down a few pegs but she's been gallivanting across the world with her new boy toy. You missed her even if she was a stone-cold bitch.

You could hear the three of them screaming at each other and you couldn't take it anymore. Getting up from your bed you go to the door.

"Y/n?" Zoe calls out to you.

"It's okay. I'll be right back," you whispered.  The girl nods "If you need me..yell."

You smiled nodding your head as you walked out the door. Slowing walking down the stairs you make your way to the kitchen. Standing off to the side you watch and listen.

"My daughter doesn't need to be here! She is better off with me." Hank yells.

"Our daughter Hank is a witch and she is better off with her coven!" Cordelia yells.

"You will not keep her from me! You and this...this monster will not brainwash my daughter," he screams.

"Brainwash?" Cordelia chuckles. "You haven't been here since she was three. You left hank! I didn't keep her from you! And don't you dare drag Mina into this. She's been more of a parent to y/n than you have."

The man chuckles walking towards your mother inches from her face. "If you think I'm going to let this freak of nature raise my daughter you have another thing coming."

Finally, you heard enough walking forward to make your presence known.

"Get out!" you screamed standing in front of the women.

"Y/n?" the women gasped in the Unison.

"What?" he questioned.

"You heard me get out!"

He smiles "Honey I just want what's best for you."

"Like you'd know what's best for me." you chuckled rolling your eyes at him. 

He looks back at the women in anger. "See you've already turned her against me. You and this damaged freak..."

Extending your hand, you cut off his words sending him flying across the room into the wall. Walking forward you hovered above him.
"Don't ever talk to my mothers like that again. Get out of my house or I will throw you out myself. " 

Hank struggles to his feet as he tries to speak before you cut him off once more.
"Get out! And don't ever come back," you screamed. The man nods his head as he walks to the door letting himself out.

When the door closes Cordelia is the first to pull you into her arms.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart. You weren't meant to be a part of this."
"It's okay Mom it's not your fault. He's an asshole."
She chuckles as she holds you tight in her arms. Looking over her shoulder you see Mina standing off to the side with her head hung low. Pulling from Cordelia's embrace you walk towards her.

"Mina?" you called out to her. The redhead looks up at you with a sad smile.
"I'm sorry for the things he said to you. None of it is true. "

She smiles as tears prick her eyes. "Thank you little one."

You smiled pulling her into a hug. "I love you, Mina. Thank you for being the second parent I needed. No matter what Hank says you're my mother too."

The redhead chokes back a sob as she tightens her grip on you.

"My love you don't know how lucky I am to have you as my daughter," she whispered.

Cordelia smiles as she joins in on the hug. "We're both so lucky to have such a beautiful and brave girl."

You smiled pulling back from their arms. "I can't wait to tell Fiona I threw him into the wall."

Your mothers chuckled.

"Yes, your grandmother will be sad she missed it." Cordelia laughs as they pull you in for another hug.

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