Chapter 21: This Was Not Part of The Plan

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I have found myself at another party.

Last year, Ella was not able to get me to even go out to a bar with her let alone a whole party. But this year, somehow I've managed to escape my apartment and go to two parties.

This party is much larger than the last one I went to. I feel like a lost puppy who just wants to sit in the corner and people-watch. Which I end up doing for a solid amount of time.

As I'm scanning the room, I see the back of a man with gorgeous, curly hair. My heart pounds at the thought of Riley being in the same room as me.

It's taking everything in my power to not interrupt his conversation with JC. To save myself, I escape the living room and go into the kitchen where he won't be in my line of sight.

I can't contain the speed of my heart anymore. I'm trying to lie to myself, but my heart reminds me that I can't lie to her. Any time I think of Riley, or the possibility of anything happening between us, I feel sick and excited at the same time.

"What is it with you and kitchens?" Scarlett asks while she goes into the fridge to grab more alcohol.

"What's not to like about kitchens? They have everything you need."


"No! Food!" I shake my head at her as she laughs at me.

"You hide in here when you get overwhelmed. Are you feeling claustrophobic?"

"No. The amount of people here actually isn't bothering me."

"Is it a specific boy then?" She says tauntingly.

I look down, but I can't hide the smile that's smeared across my face. "Jo. You need to stop dancing around this."

"Dancing around what?"



"You guys have been spending so much time together. And I see the way you look at him. The way he looks at you. It's obvious you want more than just to be friends. Both of you."

"I don't know if I want to be more than friends. I could lose him."

"You guys have become inseparable. You could never lose him."

"I don't know if I want to risk it."

"Well figure it out soon. All I'm saying is this could be good for you. And it could be really fun." She's goading at me. One of the only ways she can get me to do something I don't want to do. If I don't go after Riley, she's going to remind me of what could have been with him.

"Hi, Riley." I hear Scarlett say as sneaks behind me to exit the kitchen. I look at him standing in the doorway.

"Hey," I say to him with a soft smile.

"Hey. Is Scarlett giving you a hard time?" He comes up being me and wraps his arms around my stomach.

"No. Well..." I laugh as I lean back into him. "That's just how our friendship is. She tries to push me to do new things, which I love because it gets me out of my little bubble, but sometimes..."

"It can get annoying." His breath in my ear stops my ability to think for a second.

"A little."

"What was she trying to get you to do?"

"To have fun," I say looking back at him.

"The forbidden fruit." He whispers after he lets out a dramatic gasp. He slides his arms off my body.

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