Chapter 22: The Aftermath

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My phone vibrates as I wake up.

Riley: You kissed me last night.

Me: No I didn't

Riley: Don't gaslight me

Damn that psychology brain of his.

Me: Have I ever told you I hate psychology?

Riley: Nope and I don't believe you

Riley: You. Kissed. Me. Jo. I might have been intoxicated, but I was well aware that your lips were on mine.

I don't reply. I don't know how to reply. I'm embarrassed that I did that last night. I can't believe I did it.

I actually kissed Riley. He didn't kiss me. Well, he did. But I started it. I never imagined I could do that. But he did kiss me back. Which confuses me even more and makes my heart do somersaults in my stomach.

Riley: Jo. You can't run away from this.

Me: I most certainly can.

Riley: You. Kissed Me.

Me: Yeah, you keep saying that.

Riley: If you would have told me that all I needed to do was drink some Bacardi for you to kiss me, I would have done that day 1.

Jo: I was not planning on kissing you.

Riley: But you did kiss me. Which is quite out of character for you. You plan out everything.

Me: Tell me about it.

Riley: I want to see you.

Me: Not allowed.

Riley: And why is that?

Me: I'm busy.
Riley: With what?

Me: School. Work. Things.

Riley: Jo, I know you. You are never THAT busy with school, work, or things.

He's right. I know how to balance work, school, and my sanity. I know myself well enough to know that if I'm drowning in work, my mental health breaks, making me not to be alive. I always make time for myself and my friends to keep the voices in my head at bay.

Riley: Come on Jo. We don't even have to talk about kids.

Me: Kids??? Since when do we have KIDS?

Riley: Kiss* stupid autocorrect.

But I want to talk about the kiss. I am smiling so big right now that my cheeks hurt.

30 minutes after I leave Riley on read, there is a knock on my door.

I open it and tug Riley by the shirt and pull him inside. I've never seen him grin so big. I don't know what happens first, but his hands are now on my body at the same time I attack his lips.

Many Hours Later

I open my eyes to a beautiful man's long arms wrapped around me. I tried to convince myself for so long that I didn't crave a man. I didn't want to let another man into my life after my dad's death. Seeing the pain my mom was drowning in after losing the love of her life was something I never wanted to experience. My mom lost the love of her life, but I lost the first man I ever loved. I couldn't let myself believe that I could find another man to take his place. But I let a man into my life. And that was a mistake. My ex never satisfied my craving for another man in my life. He made me believe that I would never find a guy as amazing as my father.

In Two YearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz