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catcalling/ sexual assault occurs in this chapter, and it isn't necessarily important to the plot. i will put a warning for it before it happens.

it had been a hard week for taylor. and nova.

"come on, baby." nova persuaded, knocking on the door. taylor had locked herself in there since she found out about what kanye and kim had done.

kim had leaked a fake phone call between taylor and kanye, leading the internet to hate on the blonde woman.

taylor only saw the negative posts about her, subconsciously ignoring all of the kind ones.

so, taylor hated kanye. but more importantly, herself.

taylor opened the door and walked out, shoving past nova.

"i'm going out." taylor said monotone. her eyes had bags under them, and dried tears were evident on her face.

"uh, okay, no," nova furrowed her eyebrows at the blonde. "hold on a minute."

"you're staying here. do whatever you want, if you want alone time, i will leave. but please don't leave here."

the brunette was practically pleading the older woman to stay in the apartment, not wanting her to go out and get drunk, or have paparazzi see her and ridicule her for her looks.

"you're only saying that because i look like i got ran over by a trash truck." taylor deadpanned.

nova shook her head lovingly. "no, baby. you look absolutely stunning, and i would kiss you until you run out of air and pass out."

"okay, fine. can you go out though? just for, like, an hour because i just want to be alone right now." taylor asked quietly.

nova walked over to the tall woman across from her and cupped her face in her hands.

"of course, my love. i'll be back in an hour or so."

- warning !!

a little while later, nova still wasn't back at their apartment. at this point, she was just sitting on a bench in central park, wasting time.

she decided that she should probably start walking back, so she was beginning to stand up from the bench, but she heard someone behind her. whistling.

nova looked back, seeing a man, maybe in his mid-forties, looking at her like she was a piece of meat.

"oh." nova said under her breath, pouting slightly.


the man smirked at her. "hey princess."

he started walking closer to the bench, scaring nova. nova turned so that she was facing away from him, walking away.

she heard the man following her, but she tried to ignore it. then, she felt his hand smack against her butt.

she quickly turned around, slapping the man and started running to the nearest building she saw.

she just needed to get away from him. he couldn't possible keep harassing her in a crowded, public space, right?

so, she ran into the first building she saw, which was a target store.

almost as soon as she went inside of the store, she took her phone out of her pocket and called the first person she thought of.

her dad.

he answered almost immediately, and nova had gone into the bathroom since she didn't want to pull a lot of attention towards herself in the middle of a store.

"hey honey! how are you-" her father, ezra, started to ask.

nova was quick to cut him off, hyperventilating at this point.

"dad i- this guy in the park was following me and whistling at me. he also slapped my ass while i was minding my own business!"

she was talking so fast, she was sure her dad couldn't understand a word she was saying. but either way, he was able to get the gist of what she was trying to tell him.

"okay, what were you wearing?" he asked.

oh, you have got to be kidding.

"dad! it literally doesn't matter what i was wearing, that guy was a creep. i am wearing jeans and a t-shirt, is that too seductive to walk in the park wearing?"

nova was appalled at how her father had responded. the first thing he thought to do was basically blame her for what the man had done.

"you know what," nova started speaking again. "i'll call you later."

nova hung up with her father and called the next person she thought of, which was taylor.

it took a few rings for taylor to answer, and when she did, nova wished she hadn't even bothered.

"hey baby!" the blonde slurred over the phone. "where are you? are you almost back?"

taylor was drunk, just what nova needed right now.

"sure. yeah, i'll be back soon. can you please just, please, try sobering up before i get back because i really need to talk to you about something."

nova knew the blonde couldn't just 'sober up' in less than an hour. she knew that there was practically nobody that could listen and actually comfort her right now.

"alrighty," taylor mumbled over the phone. "why are you talking like that?"

nova was confused. she was talking how she normally did. "like what?"

"like- your voice is all low." taylor described, making her voice go deeper to try showing nova what she supposedly sounded like.

nova had a naturally low voice, and taylor knew she was insecure about it.

"what is going on with people today!" nova said to herself, but taylor heard her.

"oh, did that sound rude?" taylor asked, completely oblivious to the fact that it had offended nova. "i'm sorry, honey."

"okay, i'll be home soon." nova was quick to hang up.

she tried to keep in mind that taylor had a lot going on, too, and that the world didn't revolve around her.

people in the world had it much worse than her.

but that didn't excuse the fact that she felt hurt.

she felt used.

a man she had never met, seen, or heard before had made her feel like an object, like she didn't deserve respect.

she deserved at least a little bit of respect, right?

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