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taylor had told nova that she was flying in her jet, but nova had no idea where to.

that was, until the blonde woman knocked on the hotel door.

nova, not knowing who it was, was cautious opening the door.

she looked through the small peep hole, seeing her fiancé and immediately swinging open the wooden door.

"oh my gosh!" nova squealed, hugging taylor tightly.

"bet you didn't put this in your planner of yours-" taylor began joking, but stopped when nova pulled back and looked at her seriously.

"don't make fun of my planner." the shorter woman declared.

they hugged again, and taylor invited herself into her fiancés home for the next week.

"so, this is your bunker here." taylor nodded to herself, looking around.

"want to guess how much it costed?" nova asked, smirking.

taylor threw her head back, groaning. "ugh, just saying my guess is going to take all of the money i need for the cats."

nova laughed, knowing how much taylor spoiled meredith and olivia.

"so, what's the occasion? why'd you decide to fly here?" nova started walking into the kitchen to get taylor a glass of wine.

"well, i just wanted to see my lovely partner," taylor said, kissing nova on the cheek as she passed. "and i wanted to see where you grew up."

"well, it's not all that special," nova grumbled underneath her breath.

"okay, but i don't care. i just wanted to see you." the blonde stood up, walking over to the kitchen. she grabbed the glass of white wine, swirling it.

"wait, what is this?" taylor asked, referring to the alcoholic drink.

"sauvignon blanc," nova said, struggling to pronounce it."i just know that you like it, i've never tried it."

"oh, thanks babe." taylor sipped her wine slowly, taking in the taste.

about an hour later, both women were tipsy, and had decided to make cookies.

"okay, so we need flour, vanilla extract, eggs, sugar, chocolate chips, and some other stuff." nova listed out to taylor, and taylor was looking through the pantry.

as the blonde brought out the flour, nova grabbed the bag out of her hands, and dropped the entire bag onto the floor.

"oh my gosh!" taylor laughed. nova covered her face with her hands, shaking her head.

"ugh! thankfully only about... half spilled." nova cringed just saying it.

"we should still have enough to make the cookies." taylor pointed out, picking the bag up off of the floor.

as they made the dough, they laughed at each other, having the time of their lives.

they started to put spoonful sized cookie dough onto the cookie sheet, and nova took a huge bite of cookie dough.

"nova!" taylor gasped, looking at the brunette.

"what? it's just cookie dough." nova protested, chewing on the dough.

"babe, you're going to get sick, that has raw egg in it-" taylor began to respond, but nova was quick to cut her off.

"look," the brunette swallowed the cookie dough before continuing. "i don't believe in salmonella. or any kind of sickness that you can obtain from eating raw eggs."

her fiancé looked at the woman, her jaw dropping to the floor. "what!"

"okay, hear me out." nova put her hands out towards taylor. "with the amount of raw eggs i've eaten through eating cookie dough, and eating raw fish, it's surprising that i've never gotten sick."

"therefore, it isn't real, because using myself as an example, i should've already been sick too many times to count."

taylor looked at nova, flabbergasted. "how do you- okay. nevermind, let's just get these in the oven."

a few hours later, the cookies were finished baking and the two women were writing together.

nova was humming a tune that she came up with, and taylor gasped.

"oh my gosh!" she said, a little louder than she meant to, startling the brunette next to her.

"what?" nova asked, staring at the woman.

"can you please do that again. i really liked whatever you were humming and i might be able to build off of it."

nova obliged, humming a sound that was similar to what would soon be 'dress'.

as if a lightbulb had went off in taylor's head, she began writing lyrics in her notebook quickly.

nova continued humming, but stopped, looking over at what taylor was writing.

"isn't that a little," nova started, not wanting to offend the blonde. "inappropriate?"

"oh totally." taylor nodded, looking over at the woman. "'only bought this dress so you could take it off,' may not be the most child-friendly lyric of all time."

nova chuckled, looking down at her own paper in front of her.

"hey, honey?" the brunette asked, gaining her fiancés attention.

"when should i finish this album by? i mean, realistically. because i only have two songs completed and some others that i've begun but haven't finished yet."

taylor furrowed her eyebrows. "well, you're a newer songwriter, so i think as of now, the speed at which you're completing songs is actually quite impressive."

nova sighed in relief, nodding. "okay. thank you, tay."

as the two women continued writing, humming, and playing a few notes on the keyboard they had, they had completely lost track of time.

"honey, i know it's, like, midnight, but i'm not tired at all." nova complained to taylor.

taylor had already gotten into her pajamas and was exhausted, but didn't want to make nova sleep if she didn't want to.

"okay, you can watch the tv or something, but i am so tired, baby." taylor said quietly.

nova groaned, sitting on the bed while taylor layed down.

"okay, you can go to sleep, i'm just going to go on my phone for a while before falling asleep." nova explained to taylor, who hummed simply in response.

"hold on." taylor mumbled, turning herself over to face nova.

"can we cuddle for a few minutes?" the blonde asked.

of course, nova agreed and the two of them were laying with their arms on each other when nova realized taylor had already fallen asleep.

realizing she couldn't get out of her grasp without waking her, she reluctantly closed her eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.

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