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the next few months went by so quickly, the couple of singers couldn't believe that it was already september.

it was finally taylor and novas one year anniversary, and taylor awoke to the sweet aroma of freshly baked cinnamon rolls.

nova was starting to use her crutches less, and become more active after months of not walking. so, she decided to show her love for taylor in multiple ways on their anniversary, including baking the blonde cinnamon rolls, which she was known to make amazingly.

taylor rubbed her eyes sleepily, before rolling out of bed and putting a robe over her shoulders.

she walked out of the bedroom, just to be engulfed in a hug by her girlfriend.

"happy one year, baby!" nova squealed, pulling back and kissing taylor. "i made us breakfast."

"thanks, nova. when did you wake up?" taylor asked, chuckling slightly. "around one in the morning."

the blondes eyes widened, staring into novas brown eyes. "why? that's so early!" she exclaimed, wondering how the brunette was able to wake up so early and be this energetic still.

"well, i never really fell asleep at all. i was tossing and turning practically all night in anticipation, so i decided to get out of bed and go on a run." nova answered nonchalantly.

"a run! in the dark? do you know how unsafe that is-" taylor started before being cut off with a kiss to her lips.

"shush, that's not important. in hindsight, i definitely shouldn't have done it, but i'm here and i'm alive, so there's nothing to worry about."

taylor sighed, leaning down to kiss nova. "are you hungry? if so, the cinnamon rolls are finished." nova asked, her voice muffled by the kiss.

taylor simply hummed, still kissing the woman. "okay, okay let's eat." nova laughed, pulling back.

as the two woman ate their breakfast, nova took a sip of water and looked at taylor.

"huh?" taylor asked, seeing as nova was staring. "do i have something on my face?"

"no," nova responded. "you're just so beautiful, tay."

taylor blushed, looking back down at her food. "i can't believe we started dating a year ago." taylor whispered, and nova nodded.

"i know." the brunette agreed. "oh! i totally forgot," she exclaimed with wide eyes.

"so, i made a few plans for today." nova said, and taylor nodded, signaling for her to continue.

"okay, we are going to the park later to have a picnic, and then that's pretty much it. but trust me, it will be worth it!" nova explained.

taylor smiled at her girlfriend, happy that she was so enthusiastic about all of this.

once they had both finished their breakfast, nova told taylor to get ready for the day, before getting ready herself.

nova brushed her teeth, and put on a dress, which she almost never did, before brushing her hair.

while she did wear a dress, she made sure it wasn't too fancy, and it had pockets. nova was never really a fan of really feminine clothing.

she went out to the couch and waited for taylor to be finished getting ready. she was super fidgety, worried about the picnic.

taylor walked out in a simple shirt and jeans, before frowning at novas dress. "i didn't know you were going to wear a dress," she whispered.

"if i would've known, i wouldn't have worn this casual of an outfit." she finished, looking down at her outfit before back up at nova.

"oh, no, tay! it's perfectly fine. it doesn't matter what you wear." nova reassured the blonde, standing up.

nova looked at the time, and realized they should probably leave if they wanted to get to the park in time for the picnic.

"oh, we should probably go." nova told taylor, taking her hand and walking to the door.

they got into a car and their driver pressed on the pedal and drove to the park. once they arrived, there was only one other car there, and nova made sure taylor didn't worry.

once they got out of the car, nova layed out a blanket on the grass, placing down the basket that had sandwiches in it.

they both sat down, and started eating.

"i'm really enjoying this, nova. i'm really glad that you planned this all out." taylor expressed to her girlfriend, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"of course, tay. i'm glad that you agreed to come, and if i'm being honest, i was worried you wouldn't want to." nova said, chuckling.

taylor smiled, taking another bite out of her meal. "is there a specific reason that you wanted to have a picnic?" taylor questioned.

"uhm, not a picnic in particular, but i did want to come to this park, and i figured a picnic would be easy." nova responded, looking around at the flowers surrounding them.

about fifteen minutes later, nova suddenly stood up. "stand up, taylor." nova said kindly, yet demanding.

"what?" taylor furrowed her brows, standing up nonetheless.

"just- listen to me." nova said, slightly overwhelmed and seemingly nervous.

nova looked to her right, seeing andrea smiling at the two women behind a tree. nova had called her girlfriends mother in advance to ask if she could be there.

of course, andrea said yes. the older woman pulled out her phone, beginning a recording.

nova got on one knee, reaching into her pocket, and pulling out a velvet box.

taylor's eyes widened, and her hands covered her mouth. "oh my..." the blonde whispered.

nova opened the box, showing a diamond ring inside. "taylor-" nova started, being cut off by her own voice cracking. tears welling in her eyes, but she quickly blinked them back.

taylor already had tears streaming down her face silently.

"taylor, ever since i met you, i knew that i loved you. you are the most amazing, most beautiful, amazing, smart person that i know. i can not imagine my life if i would've never met you, and i really do think that you saved my life. i was in a really tough spot when i met you, and you, even if you didn't know, helped me through the hardest time in my life. taylor, will you marry me?"

taylor choked back a sob, before wiping her face and answering.

"yes," taylor said, her voice breaking. "oh my gosh, yes!" taylor said, watching nova stand up and slip the ring onto her finger.

nova cupped taylor's face, kissing her passionately.

in that kiss alone, they could both feel the love radiating off of each other, feeling each other, and really letting the other know how they feel.

andrea continued recording from the side, smiling to herself. taylor pulled back from the kiss and looked to her side, seeing her mom.

andrea began walking over, engulfing her daughter in a tight hug. all three woman had tears streaming down their face at this point, and none of them seemed to care.

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