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Auditions were supposed to be fun, for both the participant and the judge. Though, when it came to eleven-year-olds testing out their skills, it didn't seem that way.

Many interesting things happened to say the least. Mr Poppy and Jamie were at the edge of the two tables they had pushed together. Ms Harper and Mr Maddens were in the centre. Some of it, however, was genuinely painful.

One of the most memorable from the start was one of girls dancing in a yellow tutu and fairy wings. Robin would dare say she suited them, but it wasn't much of a talent.

"Thank you very much, that was lovely." Paul told her. "Anything else you'd like to show us?"

Of course, the next thing she had in mind was burping the alphabet. She only managed the first four letter before Mr Poppy cut her off.

"That's good."

Paul forced a smile, and Robin did the same. "Thank you, Saffron."

Zack was next. He had dressed up too, but smarter this time. He wore all black, like he was going to a classic dance, with a blue sparkly tie. His talent was dancing, though they all knew he could sing perfectly well.

"You and me I've been dancing on the floor darling. And I feel like I need some more and I feel you body close to mine and I-" Despite it being pleasant, and in tune, he forgot the words. It made him feel embarrassed, and he ended up shying away.

Another girl sang Teenage Dirtbag. She definitely should not have been singing that. She probably should have never even heard it before. A boy sang too. Robin didn't know the song, she had never heard it before. She hoped that she would never have to ever again.

Alfie did some break dancing. It was... good enough. It wasn't the most horrific thing from that day so far. Ryan wore a leprechaun hat and sang 'Oh, Danny Boy' which left a haunted feeling through them all.

When Oli came out, they had all but had enough. Even Jamie had given up. (He had fallen asleep at least twice, it was hard to tell.)

"What would you like to play in the nativity, Oli?" Robin asked him, kindly.

"I know you're not gonna let me but I really want to be Joseph."

Paul nodded. "Okay, well, away you go, in your own time."

Oli didn't say anything, which was sort of odd. But he just stood still, and in seconds, his face was as red as a tomato.

Paul breathed, nervously. "Careful."

"Wow." Mr Poppy was in awe.

Bob danced next. It was a mixture between break and hip hop. Or, that's what they thought.

"You're through to the next round!" Mr Poppy called out, and Paul pinched his brow.

"There is no next round."

"The Hollywood round."

"There isn't a Hollywood round."

"Please can I go to Hollywood? Please!" Bob begged, clasping his hands together. "Please, please, please?"

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