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Tsukishima's POV. 

I watched him as he turned away from me, hoping he'd change his mind and tell me he liked me too, but, alas, he never did. He just kept walking further and further away until I couldn't see him any longer. It hit me all at once, the boy I was in love with was to hurt to love me back, and I contributed to that. This was my fault. I recount the event of just a few days ago over again in my head.

"I wouldn't need comforting at all if I hadn't come here in the first place!"

"But you wanted to come. You even said so yourself."

"NO, I DIDN'T." - "Do you seriously believe that I want to be around you all the time? No. The only reason I've stuck around is because I know that if I left, you wouldn't have anyone else!"

I have such a vivid memory of the look in his eyes when I said those things to him. His jaw tensed, his lips parted slightly as his eyebrows furrowed, but his eyes widened in shock. I remember his silence. I remember the instant feeling of regret that was quickly building up in the pit of my stomach, even though I had only uttered such vile things to him seconds before.

A few tears fell from my eyes as I thought about the pain I caused him after he did nothing but try and be there for me the best way he knew how.

The way he always had.

The way I loved and appreciated.

I made my way home, my headphones on, the whole time I re-played his new album. I just wanted to hear his voice.

Hinata's POV

And just like that, I was walking away from him.

Away from the one person that brought me true happiness.

I could feel him gazing at me as I walked further and further away from him but, I near looked back not once.

My broken heart which longed for love was telling me to go back to him, to tell him I loved him... Because I did. More than anything, I did.

But, my mind, reminding me of all the pain I've gone through, told me to keep walking, to get as far away as possible. I don't want to go through another heartbreak. I don't want to shed any more tears, if that was even possible. I don't want to go days laying in my bed reminiscing on the good times. I don't want to be haunted by the memories.

I don't want to be hurt again. I don't want him to hurt me with the love he'll eventually take away.

So I kept walking. 

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