If you had abusive parents trying to take you away from him

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Requested by CrystalXxToxicxX001
Reminder: If you have questions for Wolf & Y/n and/or Snake & Y/n, go to the chapter titled "Question 4 U viewers".


He wouldn't put up with it. No way it'd happen, not in a million years. He understands they're (probably) your legal parents with about every right to take you, but knowing how abusive they are, he just won't let it happen. He would growl at them so much and threaten to bite their hands off, if they tried touching you. He'd yell at them to get out and not to come back until they're changed people.


Oh hell no. When he heard you telling him about your abusive parents he felt so much anger in him and now, it's 10x worse. He wouldn't let them get close to you, not even 5ft. He'd go on full overprotective bodyguard mode. He'd hiss and bite at them, shouting at them to get out. He doesn't want anyone to take you away from him, not ever.

Mr. Wolf/Mr. Snake x FEM!Reader Bf ScenariosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin