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"What we doing, Ramsey? Like, where are we going?" Roman questions as he looks up at Ramsey, who is typing on her computer. Bellamy slightly paces as she feels Letty watching her while they wait for Dom.

"I was able to decrypt the data that came through with Mr. Nobody's SOS, and I found GPS coordinates, definitely included on purpose," Ramsey answers as she looks around at everyone.

"You knew about Jakob?" Letty asks as Dom walks over to them, causing Bellamy to stop pacing as Dom stops beside her.

"Question: Who is Jakob?" Tej asks as he looks at Letty while Roman stands up.

"Jakob is..." Letty starts to answer as she stares at Dom. "Or was Dom's and Bella's brother."

"Is," Bellamy quickly corrects because in her eyes Jakob never stopped being her brother.

"Oh, my-my bad," Roman says as Tej and Ramsey look at Dom and Bellamy in shock. "I'm sorry. I'm just processing. Brother? You got a brother? Who also happens to be some kind of super spy with his own private army, who drives literally like a bat out of hell, who preplanned an aerial jump and landed at the bottom of an airplane? Who does that?"

"Who does that?" Tej asks as he answers Roman, while Dom looks down as he remembers his past. "A Toretto."

"There's a couple of release forms we've got to sign," Buddy explains as he, Dom, Bellamy, and Jakob walk down the stairs to where Jack's tools and car are. "Few clearances. Everything else is down there around the corner." Dom follows Buddy while Jakob stops to look around, causing Bellamy to stop to look back at Jakob. Bellamy notices that Jakob tenses up before she spots Linder walking over to the father's car.

"Jake, don't," Bellamy says as she grabs Jakob's arm but he just brushes her off before walking away from her.

"Hey. Nobody's supposed to be around here," Jakob says as he walks over while Linder uncovers the burned car.

"You Toretto's other son? You're the useless one, right?" Linder questions as he points at Jakob before pointing at Bellamy since she followed Jakob. "And the daughter everyone wished was a son." Bellamy sees red as her father's crash replays in her mind before she grabs a wrench from a nearby tool chest. "What is that?"

"Get out of here. Go," Bellamy says as she motions for Linder to leave.

"So a man can't pay his last respects?" Linder asks as he points at the wrench while Jakob looks at his sister in shock. "That's what that is?"

"No. No, not you. You're the one that killed him," Bellamy answers him as she shakes her head.

"No, racing killed him," Linder argues with her as he rolls his eyes. "Look, he knew that I was gonna pit him into the wall. He knew that. Now, I don't know if he dropped gear. I don't know."

"I swear... I swear to God, if you don't get out of here..." Jakob threatens as he walks towards Linder.

"What? What?" Linder challenges him as Dom rushes over before grabbing Jakob's arm.

"Go find Buddy," Dom orders as he lightly shoves Jakob, who hesitates. "Now!"

"All right, well, now we got the golden boy," Linder says with a chuckle as Jakob walks off before Dom turns to face Linder.

"Leave," Dom tells him, causing Linder to nod his head.

"You here to make threats, too?" Linder asks as he motions to Bellamy, who is still holding the wrench.

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