Chapter 57

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We see Izuku with Eri at a Pet Shop as Eri and him are Looking around at different Pets as Eri is amazed 

Eri: Papa look at all the Different Pets they Have they have Fishies, Birdies, Some Kitties and Doggies

Just then Vena can out and looked at Izuku 

Vena: Papa look they also have Snakes and Lizards and Pet Spiders 

Eri: Spider Ewwww 

Vena: Yea Ewwww is Right Eri 

Izuku: Hahaha You two don't like Spiders 

Eri: We only Like One Kind of Spider 

Vena: The Spider Papa Venom tells us stories about at Bedtime 

Izuku: Oh You Mean Spider-man

Eri: Yea That Spider is Cool He is a Hero Like Papa 

Vena: There can't be a Hero Like Papa Because Papa is the Only Hero 

Eri: Your Right Vena 

Vena: Oh Eri Look That Lizard is changing Colours 

As Eri runs and watches as Izuku smiles as the Pet Shop Owner walks up to Him 

Female Owner: You Daughters seem to Really look up to you 

As Izuku looks at the Owner and smiles then looks at Eti and Vena 

Izuku: Yea they Do 

Female Owner: That is Cute anyway My Name is Nami are you looking to get a Pet for your Daughter 

Izuku: Yes I am Nami, I promised Both I will get a Cat and Dog for them 

Nami: Awww How Sweet of a Father you are, Well if You Like I can take you and your Daughters to the Back and they can Play with both the Cats and Dogs we Have so they can pick out which one they Like Most 

Izuku: Thank You so Much,  Eri, Vena come on It's Time to meet the Puppies and Kitties 

Eri and Vena: YAY 

As Nami takes them to the Back as We see Eri and Vena sitting on the Floor as Izuku is Sitting on a Chair as Nami comes in with 4 Kitties and puts them down as they start to walk around as 3 see Vena and are scared and run away making Vena sad but the littlest one the Runt of the litter that is Black with cute little White Lines all over its Body walks right up to Eri and Vena 

Eri: Look Vena this one didn't run 

As Vena looks at the Kitty as it walks on Eri and Looks at Vena as Vena moves her head closer as the Kitty moves its Head Closer as it then Licks Vena Noise 

Vena: It just Licked my Noise 

Eri: It Did Vena It did this one Really Likes you 

Vena: Papa Can we get this One 

Eri: Yes Papa 

Izuku: Of Course Girls, Nami it Looks like We will be taking this One 

Nami: Great Choice it is Female so do you girls have anything in Mine for a Name 

As Eri and Vena think as the Kitten walks and Purrs on them as they think of a Name 

Eri and Vena: Onyx

Izuku: Named after the Gemstone 

Eri: Yup her Black fur 

Vena: and White Lines reminded us of that Gem from that Book we Read 

As the Newly Named Onyx purrs and Licks both Eri's and Vena's Noises as they Laugh 

Nami: Looks Like she likes the Name as well well I will Take these 3 that hid and go get Some Puppies 

Eri and Vena: Thank You Ms. Nami 

As Nami Smiles as Eri and Vena play with Onyx as Izuku takes Video to show the Girls Later as Nami returns with 4 Puppies but one checks the Eye of Eri 

A Small White Puppy that has what looks to be Scars on its Body as Izuku sees it also and asks Nami 

Izuku: Ms. Nami is that Puppy ok 

Nami: Yes he is fine, He was just Born with a Little Scarring Sadly he is a Good Puppy but Sadly some of the others Puppies attack him 

As Eri crawls to the Puppy as she sees the Puppy looks a Little Sad as Eri then remember that she had scars and looked at the Puppy 

Eri: Mr. Puppy you are Beautiful 

As the Puppy looked at Eri as she started to pet him 

Eri: Mr. Puppy some of the other Puppies might hurt you because you have these Scars but you are Beautiful like I was when I had My Scars My Papa Taught me that and If you want Mr. Puppy I will take good care of you like how My Papa takes good care of me 

As the Puppy jumps on Eri and starts licking her face as Vena looks at the Puppy also as the Puppy starts licking her face also 

Izuku: Well That was Adorable 

Nami: Yes it was Now Sweety what are you going to Name him 

Eri: Brave because I know this Puppy is Brave Like I am and we will be Brave Together 

Vena: Yea 

As the Newly Named Puppy Brave jumps around as Onyx the Cat jumps on Brave's Back and start to Play as Eri and Vena also start to Play as Izuku and Nami leave so Izuku can fill out the Paperwork and Pay 

Nami: You are a Very Amazing Father I can tell just by the way the Girls are Well Mannered 

Izuku: Well My Harem is also responsibles for Their Kindness 

Nami: Oh a Harem look at the Stud 

Izuku: I didn't plan on having a Harem it's just our creator Jinzo made me have a Harem 

Nami: No Idea what that Means anyway I need to keep Brave and Onyx for one more Night 

Izuku: I understand that gives us Time to go get Cat and Dog food some Toys and Other Stuff 

Nami: I recommend going to My Brothers Store down on ******* Tell him I sent you and he will give you a Discount 

Izuku: Thank you 

Nami: No Problem I will also bring Brave and Onyx to UA Personaly 

Izuku: Thank you 

As Izuku and the Girls leave after Saying Goodbye to Brave and Onyx and telling them they will see them tomorrow as we cut to Izuku and the Girls now at UA after getting everything the Needed for Brave and Onyx as Eri and Vena go with their Mommies into the Bath to get Clean as Izuku goes to his Room and lays down 

Izuku: Almost Over, Just 6 More Days 

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