Chapter 26

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(Hey I am posting 2 more Chapters today because I won't be able to Friday since I will be at my Sister's graduation)

We see Izuku heading to see Eri as he walks in the Teachers boof to see Eri and Yui playing together

Izuku walks up to then as Eri stops and hugs Izuku 

Eri: Papa your amazing you made it to the Finals same with Mommy Izumi 

Izuku: Thank you Eri now who do you want to win 

Eri: Mommy Izumi 

Izuku fell to the ground and started to cry 

Izuku: I have be betrayed by my Princess

Eri: Papa stop crying I want Mommy Izumi to win because if she wins she said I can get a Puppy 

Izuku looks at Eri 

Izuku: Really 

Eri: Yup that is why Papa let Mommy Izumi win 

Izuku: I will get you a Puppy and also A Kitty if I win 

Eri: Really Then I want you to Win Papa 

Izuku: That's my Girl

As Inko walks up to them as Eri goes to her 

Inko: Izuku I hope you don't mind but I promise Eri I will take her to go get some food at the stands outside the Arena

Izuku: Not at all Inko, Eri be a Good Girl and don't run around and cause trouble for Inko 

Eri: I won't Papa

As Both leave as Izuku looks at Yui as she looks at him 

Izuku: Thanks for keeping her entertained

Yui: Oh it's no problem at all I love kids and I love playing with them 

Izuku: Good to know anyway your Yui Kurata right I know we talked before but I wanted to make sure I got your name right 

Yui: Yes that is my name I am transferring from Royal Biblia Academy

Izuku: Can I ask why that is the 3rd Strongest Hero School in Japan 

Yui: Oh well to be honest my Heart was broken by the Man I used to love

Izuku: I am sorry to hear that did he cheat on you 

Yui: No he just never felt the same about me, I know moving to a New school because of that is stupid but seeing him everyday was hard, are Friendship also wasn't the same so we hardly talked anymore, So I put in a Tranfer to UA and Nezu and the Head Master agreed to let me Tranfer 

Izuku: I understand why you did it

Yui: You do 

Izuku: I mean you loved him but he didn't love you, You both were good friends but after things got awkward it was hard to be around or see each other, He probably still cares for you as a Friend and understands why you left and he probably wishes you to find someone who will give you the love you truly deserved and for you to be happy with him forever 

As Yui looks at Izuku and feels her heart beating as she looks away 

Yui: Y-you may be right about that, anyway I was wondering when Classes Start can you help show me around 

Izuku: Of Course Kurata 

Yui: Yui 

Izuku: Huh 

Yui: You can call me Yui I don't mind 

Izuku smiles making Yui Blush 

Izuku: Then you can Call me Izuku Yui 

This made Yui blush even more as she looked away again as Izuku looks at her 

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