Chapter 20

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It has been 30 minutes and we see all the 42 Students that Passed the Race in front of the Stage as the Spinner wheel is going as it Stops and Midnight speaks 

Midnight: Next Event is a Cavalry battle now here are the rules Students must make a team on 4, 3 Horses and 1 Rider, and Each team will be giving a Headband of Points from what you all placed in the race so 42 gets 5 points 41 10 points and so on, Who is every on your team the total amount of points your team has will be what they got together with yours 

Izuku 'Seems easy enough right'

Venom 'since we got 1st our points will be 210 points since 5×42 is 210' 

Carnage 'Makes sense since 42 is worth 5 points and 41 is 10 so we are always going up by 5'

Anti 'Plus with whoever joins are team their points will be added to that so we will have more' 

Midnight: And I think I know what my Sexy Boyfriend is thinking in his head that he has 210 points but 

Izuku 'Fuck Me don't tell me'

All 4 'We are dead'

Midnight: Since he is First Place he has 1 Million points 

As Izuku looks at Midnight as the Other students looks at Izuku with murderous glances besides the Girls as Izuku jumps up to the Stage and looks at Midnight 

Izuku: You are so getting Spanked tonight 

Midnight: Oh I hope so Daddy 

As the other students have faces of shock as Izuku gets down from Stage as he stands next to Izumi as Midnight speaks again 

Midnight: Alright Make your Teams 

As the students start making their Teams as Izuku looks around and only sees Izumi, Gwen, and Momo still next to him as Izumi speaks 

Izumi: Alright what is the Plan Izuku 

Izuku: Wait what you 3 are going to join me 

Gwen: Duh 

Momo: You might have the Most points and will be the Top Target but 

Izumi: Whoever isn't on your team is going to lose because of you ahhh Quirk 

Gwen: You have your Bases Cover plus with my Sense and Izumi's Telekinesis and her ahhh New Quirk that is like yours, plus Momo's Creation quirk we are a Unstoppable Team 

Izuku: That we are so here is the Plan 

As the 4 make a plan as time ends for Team making as Izuku is the Rider, Izumi is the Front Horse, Gwen is the Right Horse, and Momo is the Left as Izuku puts his Head band on as he looks around and sees the Teams but Notice something 

Izuku: Hey where are the Crazies 

Izumi: You didn't notice that the Crazy Psycho Girls didn't participate in the race 

Izuku: No 

Momo: They aren't even in the stands 

Izuku: Huh anyway lets get ready 

Midnight: Alright everyone Get ready 

As all Teams get ready as Midnight cracks her whip on the ground 

Midnight: GOOOO

As The Teams rush Izuku besides Felicia's Team that has Stella, Hinata and Kyoka who go after other Teams 

The First team to go after Izuku's was Iida's 

Iida: You will never be a Hero you delinquent because you don't follow my Order and I will prove I am Superior by knocking your Team out 

As Izuku's team doesn't even Move as a Black Tendril shoots out of Izuku and bitchs Slaps Iida off his Team and takes his Head band as Gwen shoots out a Web from her wrist and Izumi shoots a Blue Tendril and takes a Couple more Headbands from other teams

*Note forgot to mention Gwen Has organic webs to make it easier* 

Momo created Black Sunglasses and gives them to everyone as they put them on as Momo also creates Flashbangs that go off and blinds the others Teams as Izuku, Izumi and Gwen take all the Headbands from the Teams near them making only 3 Teams have points 

Meanwhile in the Teachers stands 

Eri: Mr. Fuzzy RatGod look my Papa and Mommy Izumi and the Others are Kicking Butt 

Nezu: Yes they are Eri 

Stars: Ahhh is she really His Daughter and didn't she you say she is Midnight's Daughter so why did she say Mommy Izumi

Nezu: Well yes but you see Plot Reasons and also This is a Harem story so Izuku can date multiple Girls, Older and The Same age and that means Eri has Multiple Mommies 

Yui: Harem Story? 

Nezu: Its a God thing you wouldn't understand but a Fellow God named Jinzo made this world and made it a Harem which I am guessing you'll be a Part of later on 

As everyone looks at Nezu confused and wonder who this Jinzo is as we cut back to Izuku and his Team just blocking Attacks after attacks from the Teams that lost their Headbands 

Izuku: They are still trying 

Gwen: Got to give them Credit for trying 

Momo: Also they are taking your advice to Heart 

Izumi: You are a inspiration they are pushing their Limits because you gave them a reason in your speech 

Izuku: I'm glad 

As the other teams keep Trying as they can't get close because Izuku's team has all their bases covered as Midnight yells 

Midnight: TIME IS UP 

As all Students stop as they all break apart as Midnight shows the Score Board 

Midnight: Alright in First Place with most of the Point from ever Team is Team Izuku with Izumi, Momo and Gwen, Coming in Second is Team Felicia with Kyoka, Hinata, and Stella, The Third Team is Team Kirishima with Mina, Denki and Tokoyami

Just them Nezu came on the speaker 

Nezu: Since only 12 Students made it to the Final Event and we need 16 for the Event The 4 Students will be the Students that placed the Highest in the Race Midnight let them know who those Students are 

Midnight: Of Course Sir and those Students are Itsuka Kendo from 1-B, Mei Hatsume from The Support Course, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu from 1-B and Last but not least Some Blond Hair Guy from 1-B ahhh Neito Monama the one that I heard from Vlad that he had a inferiority complex and possible a Small Dick but who knows 

This made Said Monama angry as many people laugh as he looks at Izuku with Hate since He is Dating Midnight and thinks beating him will make Midnight like him 

Midnight: Alright those are the Students moving on now we are taking a Hour Break for Lunch now Izuku come on our precious Daughter must be waiting 

This made everyone freak out that Midnight just said she has a Daughter with Izuku expect for the people that know as we cut to outside the Stadium with a Female Pro hero named Mt. Lady as she is grinding her teeth 

Mt. Lady: Damn it not only does she have a Smoking Hot Guy for a Boyfriend she also has a Daughter with him Damn you Midnight I swear I will beat you for Relationships 

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