Chapter 12

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It has been 3 days since Izuku was in the USJ word got out about it from a Police officers and now we see Izuku in Class with some of the other class members asking him about it 

Izumi: Izuku why didn't you tell us the truth 

Izuku: Really If I told you I was going to Fight a Army of Villains by ourselves would you have let us go 

Venom, Carnage, and Anti came out 

All 3: Yea 

Shoka: Izu sweety you can't fight Villains you'll get hurt 

Katsumi: That is right Ichan 

Izuku: And you two just called me Weak and think I can't take care of myself 

Shoka: Wait Izu your not weak sorry 

Katsumi: Sorry Ichan we didn't mean it 

Izuku: Whatever and I told you to stop calling me those Nicknames 

As Shoka and Katsumi nod and walk away to their seats as Izuku looks at the others 

Stella: How were you not scared

Izuku: We well don't show fear, we have it but we don't show it

Carnage: That and Also we cause Fear when you face us 

Izuku: Yea 

Felicia: Well That is kind of Hot, You not Showing fear facing a Army of Villains 

Izuku: I guess 

Gwen: So How did you know that the Villains will attack the USJ 

Izuku: Because of the Man Child that is their Leader he is after me because I may or may not have beat his Master and caused him to lose his Master 

Izumi: A Story for later I take it 

Izuku: Yea lets go with that 

Denki: Man you know your famous right 

Izuku: Don't care 

Denki: What how can you not Care 

Mina: Yea your the Talk of the town, A student from Class 1-A single-handedly wiped out a Army of Villains, You have Pro Heroes looking at you for becoming their Sidekicks 

Izuku: So 

Mina: So, So, are you kidding me Your Famous and you don't care 

Izuku: No because being Famous isn't what a Hero should care about, What they should care about is saving the lives of the people that are in Danger, That Need Help even if it is small, Volunteering to help the community, Visiting Child at Hospital to make them Happy, Not Going to Talk Shows, Not Making Money deals of merchandise, Not Starring in Movies or commercials to promote a product

As everyone looked at Izuku as he said that as some start to think about what he said as Stella, Felicia, Gwen, and Izumi agreed with him as Aizawa walked in as everyone took their seats 

Aizawa: Alright Brats as you know from the News that Problem Child here fought some Villains with a temporary license but do to that Nezu has made Dorms for the Students to keep them safe 

Iida: Sir you can't just make dorms and make us move in without ME making sure we have our parents permission

Aizawa: Iida I am only going to say this once Shut up before I throw you out of UA 

As Iida looked down as Aizawa spoke again 

Aizawa: Anyway Your Parents have all agreed for you all moving into the dorms, They all packed your things that you will need or want for your dorm room, After school Today you will be meeting your Parents at the New Dorms so they can help you all get settled in, Now lets get class started 

As the Day goes by as we see the Class following Aizawa to the Dorms as the Class sees their Parents as they all go to them as Aizawa looks at them all as Izuku is still next to him 

Aizawa: Alright Welcome to Class 1-As Dorms now each part of the Floors are separated by Gender Girls on the Left Boys on the Right, The First Floor has a Common Area, The Kitchen, Baths separated by Gender and if your caught in the other Genders Bath you will be punished, Now you will all come and grab this 

As Aizawa pulls out keys in a Box 

Aizawa: Your name is on your Key and what floor and Room your in, Your stuff is all in your room already so after you get your key you and your parents can go set up after that you all can do whatever you want 

As everyone grabs their key and heads in as Izuku grabs him and looks to see Inko and Izumi waiting as he walks up to them 

Izuku: Yes 

Inko: Do you want some help with decorating your room

Izumi: We don't mine helping 

Izuku: Thanks but I got this or actually we Got this Venom, Carnage and Anti will help 

Inko: Alright well just thought we ask

Izuku: Thanks 

As they all walk in and head to their rooms while Izuku was on the 3rd floor along with Izumi, Stella, Gwen and Felicia who was on the girls side as for the Boys it was Kirishima and Tokoyami 

As Everyone finished unpacking as we see mostly everyone in the Common area as we cut to Izuku outside in front of Mitsuki and Rei 

Izuku: Long Time no see 

Mitsuki: It has been awhile 

Rei: How have you been 

Izuku: Good Good just doing my Thing with Venom, Carnage and Anti my Living Quirks that unlocked the day I left 

Mitsuki: that is good 

Rei: Izuku about you leaving 

Izuku: It wasn't your fault, It was theirs 

Mitsuki: But it is our fault also if we weren't so Busy and actually discipline them they wouldn't have bullied you 

Rei: So it is are fault also so now We are so Sorry Izuku 

As both bow as their Boobs can be seen a little from the top of their shirts as Izuku blushes seeing them and gets a Little excited as he looks away 

Izuku: I told you you don't have to say sorry but if you insist then apology accepted

As they both stand up straight as they look at Izuku as he looks back 

Mitsuki: Thank you Izuku

Rei: Yes Thank you this has been killing us because we didn't help you at all 

Izuku: It is fine now I must go I need to take care of something 

As Izuku turns Mitsuki notices that Izuku has a bulge in his pants as she realized that when they bowed they showed him a little of their boobs making her blush as Rei also realized and blushed as well 

As Izuku walks in he heads to his room and walks in as Mitsuki and Rei leave as we cut to Izuku walking in his room and them places a do not disturb sign on his Door as he shuts it

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