Chapter 23

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After the small break Itsuka and Momo were in the Ring for their match as we also see Izuku in the stands still pissed for being called the P word as Izumi is on his Lap trying to calm him down 

Midnight: Alright everyone it is time for the Second match of the First Round on my Left we have Itsuka Kendo from Class 1-B and on my Right we have soon to be sister in arms in Izuku's harem Momo Yaoyorozu

As the Crowd cheers as Itsuka looks at Momo 

Itsuka: You really going to be part of the Harem 

Momo: I hope so I mean he knows me and the Other Girls love him and whoever makes it the furthest in the Sports Festival gets to have a 2 day trip with him so I am going all out 

Itsuka: Wow Lucky He is Hot he is Definitely Eye Candy but I already have a Boyfriend 

Momo: Nice anyway let's get this match started 

Midnight: Alright if you're both Ready Begin 

Itsuka enlarged her first and rushed Momo who just stood there as Itsuka went for a Punch she was met with a Bright Light from Momo's Hand blinding Itsuka 

When Itsuka was rushing Momo she made made a High Power FlashLight in her palm and when Itsuka get close enough she used it

As Itsuka closed her eyes Momo dropped to the Ground and kicked Itsuka's legs making her fall to be met by knee kick to the stomach making her spit up saliva

Momo gets up and quickly makes cuffs and puts them on Itsuka 

Midnight: Itsuka Kendo can you do anything 

Itsuka: No Ma'am 

Midnight: Then Momo Yaoyorozu is the Winner 

As the Crowd Cheers as Momo unhand cuffs Itsuka who eyes are back to normal as she looks at Momo 

Itsuka: Not bad

Momo: Thanks I asked Izuku to train me with some of the other girls that like him, He taught me alot in Combat and using my Opponents weaknesses against them 

Itsuka: Well he is a Smart one and I am actually glad I lost because I don't think I would be able to beat him 

Momo: Hehe he is a tough one to beat

As Momo and Itsuka left the ring as Midnight called out for Felicia and Mei to come to the Ring 

Midnight: Are both of you Ready 

Both: Yes 

Midnight: Then Begin 

Just them Felicia walked up to Mei as both started to show off Mei's inventions Felicia being the Show girl testing the inventions as Mei explains what they are 

In the Stands 

Izuku: Ahhhh so is this a infomercial 

Izumi: That Mei girl is front the Support Course she probably asked Felicia to help show off her inventions to the many Support Items companies here

Gwen: Makes sense That Mei Girl also will probably give up after she shows them all off 

Izuku: But I wonder why Felicia agreed to be the Showgirl and not just take Mei out 

Kyoka: Don't know 

Hinata: I would definitely not do that 

Izuku: Yea I don't see you doing that 

Hinata: exactly

As Mei and Felicia finish showing off Mei's Inventions Mei thanks Felicia and shakes her hand and steps out of the Ring 

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