Chapter 34

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It has been 4 days since the Internships began and well For Izuku he was manly having Sex with Mirko, Cathleen and her receptionist who Mirko got to Join tapped out on the Second Day, But Do to Mirko's Rabbit Quirk Heat Cycle She wasn't Satisfied with Just 2 Days but was Satisfied on the 4th day 

We Now See Izuku getting Dress as Mirko and Cathleen are watching the Show and are Sad when he put pants on 

Izuku: Alright I am heading out to go Capture Stain 

Cathleen: We should really be going with you 

Mirko: That is Right I want to Kick His Ass 

Izuku: Ladies Stain Called me Out he will only Fight Me so If you Join he will probably get mad and do some serious damage on you and I don't want that 

Mirko: Fine that just gives me Time to Talk to Nezu about joining UA as a Teacher 

Cathleen: I ring him up after Izuku leaves 

Izuku 'Harem Life is the Best but also Can suck' 

As Izuku leaves as he walks past the receptionist as she look at him and winks and thanked him for the experience as Izuku didn't know what to say she he just left 

As we Cut to Izuku on a Train as he closes his Eyes 

Izuku 'The Hero Killer Stain'

Venom 'A Dangerous Foe to Face' 

Carnage 'We were barely able to get Info on him' 

Anti 'The Only Thing we could really get is Crime Scene Photos of his Attacks' 

Izuku 'That is True but from that we were able to figure out something that not even the police, heroes and detectives could find' 

Venom: That is Correct' 

Carnage 'What was it again' 

Izuku 'How he stops the Heroes from Moving'

Anti 'Right' 

Izuku 'Remember when we looked at the Photos we always saw a Small Cut on his Arm, we with some of the reports Stain's Quirk has something to do with Blood, He cuts them to draw out their Blood to paralyze them' 

Venom 'Then he uses his Quirk on them but how' 

Izuku '3 Quesses 1 his Quirk Adds something to the Blades he uses to Cut them, 2 His Quirk is like Aizawa's were he looks at the Blood and makes them Paralyzed but that one is super Unlikely' 

Anti 'Why is that' 

Izuku 'Because a Quirk like that would would work without Cutting them' 

Carnage 'I see what is the 3rd one' 

Izuku '3rd guess is that he drinks the Blood' 

All 3 'What' 

Izuku 'Some videos we seen he always licked his Blade with Blood on it, The Heroes and Police think it's to put fear in them, But He can do that without doing that, I believe the Little Cuts is to draw the Blood on his Blade to Lick it so His Quirk can paralyze them' 

Anti 'That is actually a Smart Theory that might be True' 

Venom 'If it is we must make sure He doesn't get Izuku's Blood' 

Carnage 'That is the Top priority when Fighting Stain' 

Izuku 'Good we don't need Another Carnage running around in a Host that loves to Kill Heroes' 

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