Ready, Set, Fight.

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Larken rapidly knocks on Elide's room door. He might be sleeping, but he better wake the fuck up real fast. Larken's constant knocking is finally stopped when Elide opens the door.

"What, Larken?" He sighs, rubbing his forehead. Elide had sweats and a t-shirt on. By the look and sound of it, he was definitely sleeping.

"Nathara's missing." Larken tried to control his voice but even he could hear the note of panic in it. He locks eyes with Elide.

In an instant Elide is wide awake and gives a nod, leaving the door open as he hurries to change. "Gather as many students as you can, everyone!"

Larken starts running. He goes to the gargoyle dorms first to get as many warriors as possible.

"What the fuck, Larken?" Percival opens his door rubbing his eyes.

"She's here. Get everyone to the ballroom, get whatever weapons you can." Larken doesn't pause to elaborate, just moves to the next door.

Eventually he finds Lorna and the others who quickly start preparing other students. Larken leads a group of half awake gargoyles to the combat arena to gather weapons.

"What's going on?" Someone asks.

"Battle time, scrawny. Get your shit together!"

"Who are we fighting?"

Larken's jaw clenched as he grabbed a heavy sword, then tosses a bow and arrows to Percival. "Medusa."

Mutters and clattering weapons fill the air. Students snatch up whatever armor was available easy to put on before Larken starts barking orders.

"Perce, lead them to the south hallway by the ballroom. If you have a familiar who can fight, bring them!" He leaves them all behind, running to meet up with Elide again. There was no way to know if Nathara was even in the ballroom, but he was betting on her dream being somewhat accurate.

Larken tries to focus on some sort of battle plan, his mind imagining Nathara held hostage once again, a horrible repeat of Lineage Day. He shakes his head to erase the image. Now was not the time to panic.

"Fairies! Use your elements! Vampires! Speed and strength are vital!" Elide's booming voice fills the hallway where students look around fearfully.  "Whatever familiars can fight, use them!"

Larken shoves through students to reach his uncle, breathing heavily. "I sent the gargoyles to the south hallway by the ballroom."

Elide nods. "Vampires, south hallway! Everyone else with me!" A couple other professors controlled a few groups of students, but some looked just as scared as the kids.

The race began. As far as Larken knew, Nathara could've been missing for two hours already. He should've gone back to her room with her, protected her. Idiot!

Large familiars, dogs, cats, and anything with teeth and claws run along side the hoard of students. Larken and Elide lead the group.

"Any plan in mind?" He asks Elide.

"Get in, get Nathara, kill Medusa, and get out with minimal injuries." His uncle stares ahead with a fierce expression.

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