Secret Scheming

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This won't work. It won't happen. It can't work.

I mentally trying to convince myself, but it wasn't  doing anything to help my rapid breathing. First I was out of breath from a sudden sprint through the school, now I couldn't seem to catch my breath from the bombshell that Madam Celeste was attempting an unwanted family reunion.

My dream.

"Oh, god." I whisper, hands beginning to shake.

"Nathara, breathe." Professor Elide stands from his desk and comes to lead me to a seat at the front desk.

Larken, Meira, and Lorna slowly surround me, concern covering their faces. My dream would probably freak them out even more if I had the guts to explain it without throwing up.

"I lied. We are so screwed," I admit, voice cracking. I hold my head in my hands, staring at the scratches on the wood table from familiars always joining the students in class.

The silence from my company was a depressing agreement.

"Did you guys find out anything else?" Larken asks Lorna and Meira.

The girls shuffle their feet before answering. "Summoning Medusa—"

I flinch at her name.

"Requires quite a bit of preparation, so we still have some time." Lorna informs us.

Meira moves to stand behind me, comfortingly rubbing my back. "She needs more supplies than she has here. Madam Celeste is planning on going out tomorrow to gather some things."

"I should've known, I should've known..." I mutter to myself, smacking my head a bit.

"Nathara, there's no way you could have known what she was planning." Larken tells me softly.

To my surprise he walks around the table to sit beside me, taking one of my hands. He'd never shown such affection outside of his or my room, out in public. I figured he didn't want to show any sign of having a soft spot.

"I did know though!" I snap, gripping his firm hand. Everyone pauses to stare at me. My mouth flops uselessly. How do I explain it?

"Your dream...?" Larken guesses. He was there when I fought my way out of that nightmare.

My eyes burn, lip starting to tremble as I nod. Thinking back on the dream, it should've been obvious with how real it'd felt. Maybe it was a premonition, maybe just my subconscious telling me what I needed to know.

"You dreamt about this?" Lorna asks curiously, eyebrows rising.

"When?" Elide's voice was serious. He wasn't questioning the nightmare of a teenager. "What did you see exactly?"

"Saturday morning," Larken answers, clearing his throat after.

My face heats up. He basically just told them he was with me when I was sleeping. Friday night party, then waking up with me Saturday.... Lorna and Meira weren't going to let that slide without an interrogation later.

"It was just..." I start, closing my eyes. "I was in the ballroom. It was dark, then I heard hissing. It was...her."

They let me take my time. "Madam Celeste was throwing her arms around and casting spells or something. I fell and when I looked up M-Medusa was there...." I shake my head, rubbing my eyes with my free hand while Larken squeezed my other encouragingly.

Meira sat on my other side. "That's..."

"She grabbed me and said, 'We have so many plans, daughter. Stay with me and see." I gulp. It felt like her voice was still hissing in my ear.

Everyone was silent. No one else had known about me being her daughter, only a distant descendent.

"We might need that student army you mentioned." Elide sighs, going back to slouch in his chair.

"Nathara, may I speak to you for a moment?" Professor Kyrell catches my attention as students begin to leave. A few girls give me jealous/nasty looks.

I put my notebook back in the small cubby before approaching his desk. Professor Kyrell had proved to be a casual teacher, not as stiff as most.

"What's up?" I say in a high pitched squeak. He wasn't very intimidating, but since Sunday I'd be cautious around every adult. No one could be trusted, but it was my job to test the waters to see if he may be an asset.

Kyrell begins wiping down the black board, dusting his hands off as he faces me. He stood about the same height as Elide, maybe a bit taller. If I'd been standing closer I would've gotten a cramp in my neck from looking up.

"I just wanted to check in with you. Since coming here I've heard quite a spectrum of things, no doubt very stressful for you." He tilts his head as if in sympathy while locking eyes with me.

I swallow nervously. Maybe he was a bit too casual. "I'm doing fine. My friends have been pretty supportive," I answer.

Supportive enough to build a student army.

"That's good," Kyrell nods. He walks slowly around me, fiddling with a few things at the front of his desk where I stand. "I'd like to offer an ear if you ever need to talk."

Needles prickle over the back of my neck and one foot cautiously slides back towards the door.

"Thanks." I clear my throat, hands in the back of my jeans.

Kyrell faces me, now standing much closer, but I avoid looking at his face. This didn't feel right.

"You're very strong for a girl your age," he says softly, a hand raising towards my face.

As soon as his fingers brush against my cheek, trying to brush back my hair, my instincts kick in. Kyrell's hand freezes mid air and I quickly step away, glaring now.

"Yes, I am." I watch as confusion flickers through his eyes.


"Touch me again and I'll make sure you don't move for a very long time." I couldn't tell if my heart was beating out of fear or anger, but it didn't really matter.

I spin on my heel and quickly leave his classroom. Well, his classes just became a lot less comfortable for me. How many other girls has he come onto like that?

Kyrell was out of the question as an asset to our plan.

Lorna jogs down the hall towards me, a devious smirk on her glossy lips. "It's time."

I take a deep breath and nod. "Let's do this." My words didn't sound as confident as I wanted them to, but who can be confident when you're about to break into and snoop around the evil headmistress's office?

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