I Should've Known

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"I don't know if it works on animals," I tell Meira nervously. We weren't sure if Madam Celeste had brought her familiar, Damien, with her or not. If he was in her office, he might attack or somehow fly off to tell Madam Celeste. He was a tiny dragon, but still.

"It's a little too late to test it, so let's just hope he's not in there." She tucks her pink hair behind a dainty ear.

"It's not locked?" I ask, staring at the door.

"Not for long," Percival saunters around the corner as if he was waiting to make an entrance. He gives me a arrogant smirk.

"He's got a knack for mischief." Meira sighs, stepping aside as Percival kneels to stick some things in a key hole.

A moment later he stands and gives me a smug look. Was he trying to impress me? I was too stressed to swoon right now.

"Let's get in and out before anyone notices." I say hurriedly.

Meira and I enter the office while Percival stands watch outside. My eyes instantly search for Damien's little red body. So far, the coast was clear.

"Here," Meira digs through some drawers in Madam Celeste's desk for a moment before pulling out a familiar book and scrolls.

"Do you know how to read these?" I ask her.

"Considering Ancient Greek isn't really a popular language, even in our community, I'm going to say no." Meira opens the book while I unroll the scrolls. She whips out her phone and starts snapping pictures.

"We need to take them, not just take pictures," I tell her, rolling up scrolls.

"Just in case we lose them or something," she assures me.

I stuff a few scrolls under my sweatshirt. "Let's go."

We move for the door and Meira stops me with, "Wait, what's that?"

I look to the shelf she stares at. A few little vials of liquid sit behind some books, glimmering in the low light.

"Leave them, we have to go!" I hiss.

We slip back out into the hallway, nearly knocking Percival over who was standing in front of the door.

"Bad girls, shame on you," Percival kids us jokingly. "Stealing is wrong."

"Shut up." Meira shoves him away.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I'd never done something bad like this, not on purpose. Snakes showing up everywhere I go was not as bad as stealing from a very important headmistress, but I better get used to it. This was only the beginning.

"Tomorrow I will be handing out a test to all my students. Depending on how they answer, I'll send them your way." Elide sets a stack of papers on his desk, rubbing his temple.

"We'll meet them in the dungeon." Larken nods.

I was listening, sort of. My body had started to descend into a numb, shock state. We were really planning a mutiny. All because my insane snake mother wanted a side kick. It was hard to not feel responsible for everything happening.


I look away from the window where snow covered everything outside in a cold blanket. "Hm?" I look around. Larken, Elide, Meira, and the others were staring at me.

Okay, so maybe I wasn't paying attention.

Elide exhales softly. "Nathara why don't you go rest. We can figure out the details and explain it to you later."

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