Clique, Clique, Boom.

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"Evanora," Madam Celeste says in a warning tone.

The beautiful blonde tries to hide a smirk and roll of her blue eyes as she says, "Welcome to Sorian Academy. My name is Evanora and I'll be your tour guide today."

Her sarcastic tone makes me smile. Clearly she's done this before. The headmaster beside us lets out a resigned sigh before she looks back to me.

"If you have any questions or need anything I'm sure Evanora will show you where my office is." She politely smiles then walks away.

I turn back to my tour guide. "My name's Katie." I introduce myself.

"Katie? You haven't gotten your name yet?" Evanora cocks her head to the side, seemingly a little weirded out by my human name.

"Uh, what?"

"Well, a lot of us grew up with our families who give us traditional, meaningful names. My name means light giver. The people who grew up with the humans usually get to pick or are given a 'proper' name." She uses her fingers as air quotes.

"I'm just...Katie." I shrug.

"Okay then." Evanora starts walking and I keep pace with her long legs. She was about half a foot taller than me, probably 5'10 or so.

"You can call me Nora, everyone does, other than my parents and the headmaster. So, what are you?" She scans me up and down, eyebrow rising as she sees Tink hiding in my dark hair.

"I'm, uh, not really sure how to answer that," I admit, frowning at my feet. The first thing that came to mind was 'adopted'.

"Well, you're definitely not a vamp. You don't seem like a fairy or gargoyle either..." Nora taps her chin as she walks, thinking. "Shapeshifter?"

I shake my head. As far as I knew I could never change anything about myself, unfortunately. I'd probably have changed my nose a long time ago. It wasn't big, but I wasn't a fan of the round shape at the end.

"Siren? Never-mind, that's not it." Nora chuckles to herself like it was obvious.

What made it obvious I wasn't a siren?

"Oh, here's the professor's hall. All the teachers live here, but it's mostly off limits unless they invite you for extra lessons or something." She waves a hand at the hall door as we pass.

All I could see from the open doorway was a few older people going to their doors, arms full of papers or specimen jars. One of the women had her stack of papers floating beside her as she unlocked her door.

Okay, witch professor. Would there be a cauldron and chanting in her class?

"I give up." Nora sighs, looking at me again. "Didn't Madam Celeste explain anything?"

I unconsciously stroke Tink as I continue observing our surroundings. We were entering the building now, floors turning into shiny gray tiles.

"Sort of." I glance at Nora self-consciously. "She told me I'm a descendent of Medusa."

My words make Nora stop walking as her eyes widen and mouth opens in shock. I awkwardly look around, noticing some students staring at us as they pass. My face began burning with embarrassment. I was the new kid.

"You're kidding."

"No, the little crystal ball told me so." I hold up my hand that had the stain of my blood on my palm still.

"Oh, my bats."


"I hope you're okay with attention because you're about to become a celebrity here." Nora smirks, shaking her head in disbelief.

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