I Just Need Answers

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I ended up making a stop to see the nurse. Struggling to breathe wasn't something I wanted to deal with all day, even if supernatural people had slightly faster healing than humans. It took me a couple wrong turns, but eventually I found the infirmary. A petite witch walked around the area straightening sheets and pillows.

I glance around to check for anyone else before I approach her. "Excuse me," I clear my throat. She looks up, a welcoming smile coming to her wrinkled face. "I have a concussion and probably cracked sternum. Do you have anything to fix that?"

Concern, confusion, and curiosity all flash across her face. After a moment she steps forward. "Now how did you manage this?"

Shit, I hadn't thought of an excuse. I definitely wasn't going to say, "oh, I woke up a gargoyle and there were consequences." That wouldn't help anyone.

"I, uh, fell." Real smooth, Nathara.

The witch gives me a look that says she clearly doesn't believe me. She places her fingers gently on my chest, focused, then touches my head.

"Well, your sternum is only bruised luckily. Sit." She motions to the bed behind her and I do so.

I wait as she rolls up her sleeves. Didn't she have a pill or potion to fix me up? Why did she look like she was preparing to operate?

"Hold still, please." She places one hand on top of my head, the other on my chest. The nurse begins whispering something in another language, repeating it several times.

When she steps away I suck in a deep breath, relief settling my nerves. "Thank you," I say gratefully.

After Tink finally got her rat in the dining hall, I began searching for Nora. She wasn't at either of the tables so my next stop was our window spot. I had little hope, but it's worth a shot.

You will be okay.

"Thanks, Tink." I adoringly stroke her back. "I hope she will listen to me."

I reach the hallway near the courtyard that we first came too, where she first kissed me. I had taken a leap to admit I liked her. No one had ever accepted me and all my weirdness, so trusting that she wouldn't run was terrifying. Now she was and my anxiety was rising with every second.

God, I really screwed up. Maybe I could convince Larken to back me up and explain nothing had happened between us. Then again, he sort of ran from me too this morning.

No one was at the window. My feet shuffle to a stop as worried tears prick my eyes. There was no where else I knew to look. I don't even know where her room is.

You will be okay.

Tink's comforting thought makes me sigh, "It doesn't feel like it."

I wandered around the school grounds for an hour, even getting the nerve to ask a few students if they knew where Nora was. It was hopeless.

Eventually I go to professor Elide's room, knocking on his closed door not knowing if he was there or not. I knock again.

The door cracks open and Elide looks at me curiously.

"Nathara, what can I do for you?"

"You told me to let you know if any other abilities develop," I explain, catching his attention. "I can hear Tink's thoughts now. I'm not sure if it applies to any other snakes or not."

Professor Elide nods slowly. "Okay, thank you for telling me. Monday morning we'll explore it more."

I nod and turn away, but hesitate. "Can I ask you something personal?" I face him again.

After a moment of consideration Elide motions for me to enter the classroom. I slip inside, my hands knitting together as I pace.

"I don't want to be nosy or anything," I take a breath. "But I was wondering if you could tell me something about Larken?"

Professor Elide's lips purse as he observes me from his desk.

I start to ramble. "I was just wondering if he had brothers or something. I've talked to him a couple of times so he mentioned you're his uncle, but something happened and I wanted to know if maybe he had some mean brothers or whatever."

Elide's eyebrows rise slightly and I gulp. I was beginning to regret saying anything at all.

"Please don't tell Larken I came and asked," I mutter, backing away in preparation to escape.

"What happened?"

You can trust him, Tink encourages me.

"Uh, he fell asleep and when I tried to wake him up he sort of...lashed out." I wince. It was smart to stop at the nurse's office so he didn't see how bad it actually was.

Concern fills Eide's eyes and then he sighs, rubbing his forehead. "No, he doesn't have any siblings. Technically, it's just Larken and I now."

My first thought was wondering what happened to his mom and dad. Did they die? Was that why he was so sullen all the time?

"Oh, okay," I whisper, glancing at the door. My curiosity was growing, but asking more questions seemed like prying.

"His father..." Elide scowls at his wrist cuff, twisting it around. I thought I saw a emblem or crest engraved in it.

"Oh." I realize what he was hesitating to say. His dad was abusive. Sadness filled me. I'd probably freak out when people scared me awake too.

"I'm sorry for prying, I was just worried." I absentmindedly stroke Tink. "And could you—"

"I won't say a word." Professor Elide nods, corner of his mouth inching up in a tired smile.

"Thanks." I step out of the classroom, wondering if it was worth continuing my search for Nora.

Sunday morning I lay in bed deciding if I should even leave my room. I needed to shower and try to find Nora's room.

"Should I even bother?" I ask Tink who lay on my chest.

Do you want to keep her?

"Well, yeah. She's..."

I stare at my ceiling. I was about to say she's my friend, but she'd been my girlfriend. My gut twists. Nora had been there for me since my first day here. She was beautiful, funny, and brave. I liked having her by my side, but I was starting to realize I don't feel as excited as I should when she holds my hand or kisses me. Perhaps I rushed into things. Only a few days here and I had latched onto the first person to show me kindness and affection.

"Feelings are stupid," I groan, tossing an arm over my eyes.

I wished with all my being that I felt as strongly for Nora as she did for me.

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