ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6

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Daniella unlocked the door to her apartment and let the other two in, the dog greeted them with a very waggy tail and a happy face. 

The rooms were still messy from the fight that occurred, "What happened here?" Kate questioned, looking around the room at the blood stained carpet and broken photo frames. "I got kidnapped." Daniella plainly replied, looking around the apartment before stopping at a broken window, figuring that that's how the men got into her house, "Great now I have to get carpet cleaner and a new window." She quietly stressed, "These people need to get some god damn manners." 

Clint walked passed both girls and made his way into the kitchen, where he got a cloth, put it under the tap and laid it on the back of his neck. 

As Daniella walked back into the living room, she was met with a very happy dog with a leash on, "I was gonna take him out on a walk, do you wanna come with?" Kate offered, putting on a jacket.

The blonde smiled, "Sure." She replied, grabbing a jacket off the couch and then opening the door, letting Kate and the dog out first. She locked the door behind them and went down the stairs to go outside.

 "What's the dogs name?" She asked the brunette as they walked down the street, the other girl shrugged, "I'm not sure yet, I'll think of something." Daniella nodded, the two continued in a comforting silence before Kate spoke up, "How do you know Clint?" She asked out of curiosity, looking at the blonde who's face was tinted red around the cheeks and nose due to the snowy weather.

"We-...he helped me after a tough time." She hesitated during her answer, she felt bad about not telling Kate the whole truth about it, truth be told, she was ashamed of how she met Clint, ashamed of where she came from and ashamed of the things she did. 

Her mood changed, she bit down on her tongue as the guilt pulled at her heart once more. Kate noticed the girls change in atmosphere and decided to switch the conversation, "I am so sorry for almost blowing you up back there, I swear I didn't know you were there." She laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact with the blonde. 

Daniella smiled, "As I said before, it's all good, I got out in time." She replied softly, looking down at the dog who was happily panting beside them. "Did you get hurt?" Kate asked, concern lacing her voice. "A little but I promise I'm okay." The ex-assassin convinced the other, putting her hand on Kate's shoulder as a small act of comfort. 

The two smiled at each other before the dog pulled on the leash and Kate almost fell over.

"We should probably head back, I don't trust Clint alone in my apartment, I don't really wanna go home and find that something has been broken." Daniella laughed, giving the one-eyed dog a small pet before they turned around and headed back the way they came.

Daniella opened the door, and threw herself on the couch, today was a long day and she honestly just wanted to sleep. She closed her eyes with a sigh, suddenly, she felt a weight on top of her and her eyes flickered open and she was met with a furry, smiley face, "Hey buddy." She whispered, scratching the fur on top of the dogs head. 

As the sun set, the blonde sat with the dog watching Tv, the animals head lay gently on her lap as her hand lay upon his back. It was quite a cold night, the windows frosted over slightly and Daniella had to put another jumper on, on top of her other jumper. 

She heard Clint talking in the kitchen and turned her head to look, Kate was holding up a post-it note to him as he spoke on the phone. It was a sweet moment between the two which the blonde smiled at. Both her and Kate figured that Clint couldn't hear at all without his hearing aid which explains why he never responded to them during the fight earlier.

Daniella turned back to the Tv, feeling her eyes get heavier and she eventually fell asleep.

Once Kate had finished helping the older archer communicate with his son, she walked into the living room to speak to Daniella, only to see the blonde fast asleep with the dog sleeping soundly on her lap. It was something Kate stared in awe at and would definitely tease Daniella about in the morning.

She switched off the Tv and brought a blanket from Daniella's room to carefully lay on top of them before she went to bed herself, it was another exhausting and confusing day but little did she know, it was about to get a lot more confusing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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