ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

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The sound of talking woke Daniella up. Her tired eyes finally focused and she looked around to see Kate sitting on one of the couches, she mentally face-palmed herself after realising she fell asleep on a couch again.

The blonde sat up, the sudden movement making Kate look towards her, "Look who's finally awake." She commented, a teasing smirk on her face. "Shut up." Daniella replied, smiling tiredly before looking at the TV. A news reporter was talking about the murder of a man, the ex-assassin took notice of the brunettes expression change. 

Kate snapped around just as Clint was walking out of the kitchen area, the two watched the report and Daniella looked at them in confusion. There was definitely something she hadn't been told, the reporter continued to speak of Ronin and commented that Ronin could be responsible for the man's death. Then it all made sense to her.

"Oh my god. Wait- wait, they think I...they think I'm that...vigilante?" Kate stuttered out, shaking her head with wide eyes. Clint nodded, "It's been 24 hours and you've been on the news twice, impressive." He said to her, turning to walk back into the kitchen area as he continued, "Told you that suit was bad news." 

Once he had disappeared past the door, the brunette girl snapped around again in panic, "Clint, I gotta go." She frantically said, looking at him. Clint was quick to disagree, "No, no, no, that is the last thing you have to do." 

Daniella agreed with him, "Yeah, especially with those Tracksuit guys that are now after you. The ones that almost killed you, like, twice yesterday." She said, in a serious tone. She tried to sound serious but she wasn't fully awake, so some of the sentence was slurred. Kate rolled her eyes but before she could she anything to the blond, Clint started speaking again, "I'm going out to find the suit, and until I do, you're gonna stay put. It's not safe obviously." 

"Not showing up at work is not safe." Kate defended, making Daniella furrow her brows at the brunette, "You, have a job?" She asked, confusingly, the other girl stared at her, offended, "Yes I have a job, why wouldn't I have a job?" She answered in frustration, "I thought there was age restrictions on working." Daniella replied, putting her hands up in defence, "What- I am 22 thank you very much!" Kate stressed before turning to Clint, "My mom is already high strung, I'm surprised she hasn't called me already." She said to him, looking at her phone.

Clint continued packing his bag on the kitchen counter, "Just stay put, please." His voice sounding monotone, Kate stood up and walked over to him. The Italian didn't want a headache from the brunettes complaining so she slipped out of the room to go throw on some new clothes.

Once she had dressed herself, she wandered back into the kitchen where she caught the end of Kate's rant about her being safer at work. "Go get changed into something else." Clint eventually gave in, the girl turned to Daniella, "Do you have any clothes I can borrow?" She asked in a slightly awkward and embarrassed tone. 

Luckily the girls were similar in height so Daniella's clothes fit Kate. 

 When Kate finally got dressed, she walked up to meet to other two. "Right, let's go." The blonde stated as she started walking towards the door, trying to ignore the fact that Kate looked better in her clothes than she did. 

"I'm going to be late because of you." Kate complained to Clint, "Your alive because of me." He replied, refusing a flyer from a passing man, "He's got a point." Daniella agreed, moving to the left to dodge a pole she almost walked into. 

The three heard a kid shouting about a Super Hero, the kid ran passed them to go to people dressed up as hero's. "Hey look, that's one's you." Kate motioned to the female who was dressed up with a bow. "No, that's Katniss Everdeen." He replied, "Let's go." He continued walking as Daniella dragged Kate by the arm to catch up. "Katniss is cool." The blonde stated, the other two gave her a questionable look, "What? I watch the Hunger Games." She shrugged.

"Your problem is branding." Kate suggested to the archer as Daniella let go of her arm, "No, my problem is you." He answered, in a fed-up tone of voice, "The whole thing is a problem and I'm going to solve it today, so I can get back to my family for Christmas." The brunette girl listened to his small rant before smirking, "No, it's branding." 

The three carried on their conversation as they walked down the frosty streets of New York, the city looked beautiful at this time of year. 

They went their separate ways, Kate went to work, Clint went to get the suit back and Daniella went grocery shopping, after Clint refused to let her go with him. Her fridge was gathering dust and Kate and the dog had eaten the last of her pizza, plus, she needed food for the dog. 

~~~<small time skip>~~~

Daniella thumped the shopping bags on the kitchen counter, crouching down to ruffle the dogs fur. "I still don't know your name." She spoke to the animal, "I'll ask Kate when she gets home." She said, standing up to put the stuff in the fridge. 

While placing the milk in the fridge, the girl accidentally knocked over a box of cereal, thankfully the box didn't burst open as it landed on the ground, "Merda." She swore quietly, bending down to pick it up.

She froze when she seen the reflection of a mysterious figure on the glass oven door, calmly, she reached for a kitchen knife before spinning round and pinning the intruder to the wall, her knife was firmly placed against their neck. Before she could even get a word out, she sensed another in the room, her eyes darted around, looking for a person as she kept a strong hold on the one she had trapped.

Out of surprise, a man behind her attempted to knock her out by shoving her head into a wall, the knife dropped from her hand as she fell back. She was in a bit of shock but quickly managed to recover as she grabbed ahold of a contractible pole, which was one of her weapons she had lying around, and pressed a button on the handle to enlarge it. 

Unable to hold back the men with her head throbbing and her vision spun, she felt liquid run down the right side of her face, dripping onto the carpet. "Aw man, this is a new carpet." She slurred, charging forward to try whack the man with the metal pole, she hit him right in the face and sent him falling back, going unconscious.

She turned to the remaining man but he was already prepared, she felt herself getting punched before the world went dark.




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