ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

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Daniella felt a strong pain shooting through her body as she slowly regained consciousness, she vaguely remembered what had happened earlier. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she tasted the slight metallic taste of blood on her lip and although her eyes were open, she seen only darkness. There was a cloth over her mouth which stopped her from talking, she bit down on it in frustration.

Out of reflex, the blonde made an attempt to move but was refrained by a rope that tied her hands behind a chair. She huffed in annoyance, trying to free herself by attempting to squeeze her hands through the rope. Not the first time she had been kidnapped and most likely not the last.

"Ah, the little girl is awake." A strong Russian accent could be heard, footsteps approaching Daniella, making her stop her movements. Suddenly, she could feel a presence in front of her and she pulled on her restraints, her natural instinct screaming at her to fight whoever was there. Her eyes darted around the dark emptiness, before the bag was lifted off her head.

The blondes eyes squinted from the sudden bright lights of the room, unable to make out the person standing in front of her. Once her eyes managed to focus, she glared at the man standing before her. He laughed maniacally before walking back to where the other tracksuits were, turning to her right, Daniella seen another person refrained with a bag over their head. Judging on the outfit, the blonde figured that it was Clint.

"If it isn't the Silent Devil." One of the tracksuits chuckled, the voice causing Daniella to turn her head to them. Unable to talk back, she scowled at them, hearing that name caused unwanted memories to push their way into her head. "Isn't that what they called you? Big name for a small kid." He taunted, knowing that she was refrained from doing any harm. However, it did not stop her from pulling roughly on the rope, her sudden movement caused the Russian to jump back in surprise before busting out in laughter.

The man then turned to Clint, who was still unconscious, he pulled the bag off his head and lightly smacked him on the cheek. Unlike Daniella, the avenger wasn't gagged, Clint looked around the room, noticing the blonde, the two made eye contact for a minute and a flash of guilt was seen in his eyes. "Nice place you got here." He nodded to the tracksuits, "Not creepy at all." He mumbled, looking at the old toys that were scattered around the room.

One of the tracksuits immediately took some sort of offence, "Hey, hey, hey, you kid. I know you kid, so don't kid, okay? Because it was getting very hard to find to find a place." Daniella rolled her eyes as the man went on, "Hey look, we're not who you think we are." Clint said to the tracksuits, who looked confused, "So you're not Hawkeye? And she is not Silent Devil?"

Clint hesitated a reply, "Well, I guess we are who you think we are but we are not who you are looking for." A silence took over the room, the blonde continued to pull and twist the ropes in attempt to free herself, "Kate Bishop." A man said, breaking the quietness, the brunettes name caused Daniella to snapped up to glare at the man. Clint shook his head, "Not Kate Bishop." As Clint and the tracksuits argued back and forth, the ex-assassin finally pulled her hands through the rope, the skin ripped in some parts of her hands but she was free. Now she just had to wait for the right moment.

"I'm trying to be civil here." Clint spoke, his voice sounding calm as he stared at the others. "We kidnapped you! You are our hostages." The man shouted back, motioning to the two on the chairs. While all eyes were on Clint, the blonde took the opportunity to discreetly move off the chair and discard of the gag, she spotted a knife laying on a table and quickly grabbed it. After, Daniella walked up behind the nearest tracksuit and pulled him back, one hand kept him in place as the other held the knife firmly to his throat.

Everyone pulled out their guns and pointed them directly at Daniella, however, her stance did not falter. Clint shook his head towards Daniella, telling her to stand down. "Put the knife down, little girl." The Russian demanded, the blonde placed the blade closer to the man's neck as he shook slightly in her hold. "No, how about this, you let us go or I'll slit your friend's throat." She threatened them, her voice was tainted with anger, "Put the knife down or I'll shoot your friend and then you." The man argued, pointing his gun at Clint, Daniella thought for a moment of the possibilities of wining this fight before scowling and pushing the man, once in her hold, towards the rest of them.

Two of the tracksuits rushed to restrain the blonde back in the chair, Clint broke free of his restraints causing the guns to point in his direction, "Look, I just want to speak with your boss, is that him up there?" He looked up at the balcony where a man sat, looking down on them. It was clear that the Russians were getting tired of not being able to control their hostages, "No! I am interrogating you right now! We are interrogating you!" He complained, loudly.

Daniella found it quite amusing how worked up the tracksuits were getting, "Where is Kate Bishop?" He questioned, frantically. There were some thudding noises coming from the ceiling, the blonde looked up at the glass roof, the Russian turned to Daniella, "Where is Kate Bishop?" He asked more sternly, "I have never met her in my life." The blonde replied, shrugging her shoulders, "I don't know who that is." Clint responded as he shook his head at them. The thudding continued, Daniella already knew who it was. So it was no surprise when the glass abruptly shattered and Kate fell through, landing with a bang on the floor.

Kate groaned in pain as both Daniella and Clint stared at her with an unimpressed look.

"Bro, I found her." A tracksuit member stated.

Kate slowly lifted herself off the ground, turning to see multiple guns pointed at her, "Oh wow, I didn't know we were supposed to bring guns." She nervously laughed, Clint looked at the floor while Daniella lightly smirked at the girls antics. The guns loaded as the Bishop girl looked between Clint and the blonde with an anxious smile.

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