ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5

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The trio reached the car park, "We need a car." Clint stated.

Daniella let go of Kate's arm as she followed the man towards a car, "Can we take this one? It's fancy." The brunette girl childishly commented on the red car in front of her, although, to her disappointment, Clint smashed into another car and opened the door of it.

Kate's playful smile dropped as Clint beckoned her over. The blonde girl kept her eyes trained on the door they had just ran out of, knowing that the tracksuits were going to burst through them any moment. 

Just as Clint and Kate started to argue about who was going to drive, Daniella banged on the car door, snapping the two out of their talking, "Clint drive. We need to go." She sternly spoke, not taking her eyes off the door as the tracksuits flooded out, quickly getting into cars and shooting at the three. 

They were all quick to move. 

The Avenger jumped into the car, pulling Kate into the passenger seat as Daniella fought with a tracksuit, who had shot at them, on top of the trunk, after blocking his attacks she kicked the back of his knee and pushed him off. As the car drove off, she fell back through the rear window, crashing onto the back seats. 

Groaning in pain from the uncomfortable position she fell in, the blonde pushed herself up so that she was sitting and looked back at the cars chasing them. "You okay?" Kate shouted, turning to face the other girl, "Yeah, I'm good." She gave the brunette a weak smile before Clint made a sharp turn and they both banged their heads on the doors of the car.

"What the hell Clint, where did you learn to drive?" Daniella complained but was ignored by the man, "How many are there?" He asking while his eyes pinned on the road in front of him, "Four." Kate replied, holding up four fingers as she spoke. 

Suddenly, a car crashed into the back of them and Clint swerved the car to avoid a van full of tracksuits, "Dani, you take the one of them, we'll get the others." The ex-assassin rolled her eyes, "Don't call me that, cagna." She mumbled the last word bitterly, as she climbed out the window she had previously fallen through and jumped onto one of the vans.

The tracksuits moved the car left and right to try and shake her off but she grabbed into a metal bar on the roof, the men looked nervous at each other in an anxious silence. Then all of a sudden, a loud crash interrupted the silence as Daniella swung into the back of the van, grabbing onto a gun and whacking the tracksuits as they ran at her. After defeating those in the back, she put the gun in her back pocket and climbed back onto the side of the car and carefully made her way towards the front seats. 

The tracksuit in the passenger seat rolled down the window, leaned out and shot at her, without any hesitation, she pulled him fully out of the window and watched as he tumbled down the road before swinging through the window and tackling the driver. 

At the same time, Kate was firing a range of trick arrows at the vans, Daniella smiled proudly as the girl never missed a shot. Before she knew it, Kate had an arrow trained on the car just in front of the van she was in, her smile faded as she cursed under her breath, she stabbed the driver in the chest before smashing the front window and threw herself to the side of the van just as the car exploded and the van set on fire.

She tumbled away from the crash site, standing up and rushing towards Clint and Kate, throwing herself into the back seat of the backwards moving car. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were there." The young archer apologised profusely, "It's all good, it was a good shot." Daniella waved of the apology as Clint made a quick turn into a a load of Christmas trees. 

Kate continued shooting at the cars with numerous arrows and the blonde helped her by pulling the stolen gun out and firing at the tires of the cars. Unfortunately, the gun quickly ran out of bullets, "I'm out." 

Then the trio turned onto a bridge, Daniella could see the leader in the car that was chasing them. Other cars started to join behind her, "These guys just won't give up." She muttered her thoughts out loud. 

The car turned in its side and Clint got out of the car, Kate and Daniella following. "What's going on?" The blonde questioned, "They're gonna crash into us." He said before giving Kate orders, the two archers raised their bows and Kate shot hers up first, a few seconds passed before Clint shot his arrow and the two arrows joined to create a massive one that rained down onto a van.

Daniella looked slightly amazed at the explosion the arrow made, "That was amazing!" Kate exclaimed while jumping down from the car, Clint looked a little less amazed as the other two as he handed Kate another arrow and nodded to Daniella, "Cover me." He stated, running off to collect another arrow.

The brunette raised her bow with the arrow ready to fire and the blonde raised her gun, although it was empty she could use it to threaten them. "You do not wanna see what this arrow does." Kate threatened the tracksuits making them stop walking, Daniella was surprised to see that the plan was working.

As Clint ran back, Kate released the arrow and it bounced off a tracksuit.

The three ran off the bridge, Kate held onto the Avengers bow and grabbed ahold of Daniella's shirt, they all landed on the top of a train to hide from the pissed off mafia. 

Once they got in the train, they all slumped in the seats, panting in exhaustion.

"We should really walk the dog." 

ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ, Kate BishopNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ