ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

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We need your help.

Daniella stared at the message for sometime, her eyebrows furrowed. She kept wondering what Clint would need help with? Why would he ask her? What did he mean by 'we'? After some thought, she texted back, asking him where they can meet.

The response was almost immediate, he told her that he would be at her apartment in a few minutes. Daniella's eyes widened, mumbling many swear words as she pulled herself off her chair to make sure the rooms were tidy enough for a guest. 

Five minutes went by, there was knocking on the door, the blonde walked over to open the door and was surprised to see a dark haired girl with bow alongside a one eyed dog. She opened her mouth to question but was interrupted by Clint, "I'll explain everything once we're inside." 

The ex-assassin moved to the side, letting the three into the apartment. The girl with the bow looked around the room as Clint turned to Daniella once she had locked the door. "Sooo...who's the girl?" She asked, motioning to the other girl in the room. "That's Kate Bishop." The Avenger answered.

Kate turned to the look at the two after hearing her name being said, "Huh?" The archer had only started listening to the conversation, "Do you remember I told you about Ronin?" Clint questioned Daniella, ignoring Kate. The blonde nodded, recalling the time where the archer had told her about it after she came back from the snap. "Kate here wore the suit and is now in trouble with the Tracksuit Mafia." He explained.

"I didn't know that the suit was bad!" Kate defended herself, throwing her hands up in exaggeration. Daniella smiled at the girls reaction, "What do you need my help with?" She said, turning back to face Clint. He started setting some medical things down on her kitchen counter, "Can she stay here? Not for long, just until this is sorted out." 

Daniella was taken by surprise by the question, she was finally starting to get her life together and wanted to stay far away from any trouble. However, just by looking at Kate, she felt a need to protect her. 

After a few seconds, she gave him her answer, "Sure, just don't break anything or I'll kill you." Her Italian accent becoming stronger as she threatened the other. She faced Kate as she finished her sentence, who nodded quickly, a little frightened from the girls glare. 

"Thank you, here fix yourself up." Clint said to Kate as he pushed the medical supplies near her before walking towards the door, "I'm going back for the suit." He told them as he walked out.

Kate looked at him walking out, in a little shock from how quickly he left her with someone she didn't even know the name of. Meanwhile, Daniella felt a something hitting off the back of her leg and looked down to see the dog smiling at her. She bent down and ruffled the fur on the top of the dogs head. 

"Who are you?" Kate asked her, looking down at her suspiciously. The other girl stood up, "I'm Daniella." She answered, "How do you know Clint? Are you an Avenger?" Kate questioned her again. Daniella sighed irritatedly, not wishing to speak of her past, "You are supposed to be tending to your wounds, not interrogating me." She smirked, handing her one of the supplies Clint had left.

The blonde turned away from Kate as she went and got something for the dog out of the fridge, groaning in annoyance when she noticed the little food she had, knowing that she would have to go shopping again. Daniella then pulled a pizza box out of the fridge and set it on the table.

When she turned back around, she seen that Kate had made a horrible attempt of covering up her wounds. "You haven't done it right." Daniella said honestly, Kate looked back at her in confusion, "What do you mean?" She replied as the ex-assassin pulled out one of her kitchen chairs from, under the table, "Here, sit." 

Kate complied, still quite confused, Daniella stood next to her, "I'm going to take the tape off, is that okay?" She asked, not wanting to help the girl without her being okay with it. "Yeah, sure." Kate stuttered out a reply, trying not to look into Daniella's eyes as she spoke. "Okay, I'm giving you a warning, it might hurt." She warned before ripping the small piece of tape off. The other girl winced, "You okay?" The older girl checked and Kate nodded in reply. 

Daniella continued to clean the wound. The archer stared up at the girl with something that Daniella couldn't quite understand, a soft look of admiration. Once she was finished cleaning, she took a bit of tape, "You put it on perpendicular so it helps close it." She explained, laying the tape over the wound. 

"There." She smiled, stepping back towards the pizza box, "Thanks." Kate replied, "Is that cold?" She pointed to the pizza box held in Daniella's hands. "Yes?..." The blonde answered questionably as Kate walked towards her, "Can I use it for my head?" Daniella handed the box over to her, "Go ahead." The blonde said, Kate noticed a notepad laying near them and went over to pick it up, "Can I use this as well? And a pen?" Daniella nodded quickly as she went to sit on the couch, the dog sat next to her, looking at her with his adorable eye. 

Kate then got a call from her Mom and Daniella occupied herself by petting the dog, soon after, Clint walked back into the apartment. He sat down and started to fix his own wounds as Kate finished her call and started talking to him, "How's my place?" She asked, "Crispy." He answered, getting himself a drink of water from the tap. "Did you get the suit?" Daniella intervened, walking up to the other two. 

"No." He replied, "But you have a lead?" The brunette asked him, hopeful. "What makes you say that?" Clint questioned back, looking at her before looking at a notepad, "What's this?" He flicked through the pages. "I started taking notes on what the Tracksuit guys looked like." Kate answered. "Ohh, that's what you were doing." Daniella went to look at the terrible drawings that Kate had drawn on the paper. 

"I guess you're not an art major." Clint stated, causing the blonde to laugh slightly. "Okay." Kate said quietly, shaking her head before standing up. "I would offer to buy you a hotel, cause from certain angles I know this looks like my fault." She exclaimed, laughing weakly. "But, umm, my Mom cancelled my credit cards due to the whole clock tower." 

Daniella looked towards Kate, confused about what clock tower thing she was talking about. "That's not necessary." Clint replied "I'm just gonna be another minute, kid." He finished, looking back at the table. Kate thanked him before walking past Daniella, "I guess I'll see you two in the morning." She said before realising she didn't know where to sleep, she turned back to Daniella, who walked in front of her, leading her into a room.

"Here, this is my room, it's the only bedroom in the apartment." The blonde explained, "Shouldn't you sleep here then? It's your room." Kate questioned her, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked back at the girl who stood in the doorway. "I don't sleep much, plus I've got to finished off something anyways so the bed is yours for tonight." Daniella told her, she was intending on preparing her weapons in case a fight was to happen.

Kate nodded as she turned to Daniella again, "Goodnight." She smiled towards the blonde, "Goodnight, Kate." She smiled back, softly, before walking out and shutting the door behind her. 

She said Goodnight to Clint then headed to another room where she kept boxes of her stuff, she lifted one of the boxes down, setting it on the ground carefully. Daniella took a deep breathe as she lifted her old sword out of the box, memories of her using it to murder people flooded back into her brain. She knew that if she started using it to kill again, it might spark the dormant darkness inside her. 

Although, if she had to kill to protect Kate, then she would do it without question. Daniella had just met the girl around three hours ago but she felt a strong urge to help her, she couldn't understand why. 

She caressed the cold blade gently with her fingers, it was still incredibly sharp. The blonde sighed, pulling her old suit out of the box next.

As much as she hoped they wouldn't get in a fight, she knew that it was inevitable. 

Daniella went into deep thought. Asking herself if she was really willing to risk her somewhat peaceful life she had going at the moment, for a girl she hardly knew. By thinking for a moment, she had an answer:

She absolutely would.

ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ, Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now