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Daniella Monroe, given the name 'The Silent Devil'. The blood on her hands could fill oceans, her cold grey eyes had seen too much death.

Her name, 'The Silent Devil', was often associated with Satan themself, however, she wasn't born a killer. HYDRA created a monster, their weapon, which they unleashed on their enemies. Daniella was no more than a weapon in HYDRA's eyes, she had no thoughts, no emotions. That's how they trained her to be like.

She was taken from her family at a young age, she had no memories of them at all. All Daniella had known was the cold, dark walls of the HYDRA station and the horrors that occurred there. They had made her into what they wanted, something that would hurt multiple people, cause great destruction and death.

And she did.

Daniella was tested over and over, given injections and was constantly trained. So that violence was the only thing on her mind.

One day, she was given a mission to kill the Black Widow, her biggest mission yet. She was trained specifically for this, it was her life purpose.

Although, the plan had failed, the Avengers were with Natasha at the time and Daniella, as powerful as she was, was beaten by the team. Once she was knocked unconscious, she was brought to S.H.I.E.L.D and held prisoner.

Daniella refused to speak, her training coming in use as they failed to break her. That was before a certain agent talked to her, Agent Damian. Unlike the other agents, Damian was patient and tried for weeks to get Daniella to open up to her.

Finally, she did. At first she would only talk a small amount but when Damian promised that whoever sent her would no longer have control over her, Daniella told her about the HYDRA base and S.H.I.E.L.D took no time in destroying it.

Daniella wasn't seen as a threat anymore and was sent free, however, the brunette had never had freedom before and wasn't sure what to do. During her life, she was only trained in the ways of violence, her purpose was to kill.

This was noticed by Damian and the woman helped her start a new life, a life that didn't revolve around murder. Soon, Damian became her sister-figure, someone she could always rely upon. The archer, Clint Barton also helped in her new start to life, giving her his number to call if she needed any help.

Daniella started her new life in New York City. With near to no education, she found it difficult to get a job and got money from selling art, a hobby she has picked up after a new start.

A couple years went passed, Daniella still struggled to leave her past behind her, the way of violence haunted her mind as she kept finding herself getting angry and sometimes violent with other people.

Then suddenly, while she was sitting on her chair, painting, she felt a strange feeling wash over her. Something felt off, her hands were dusty and she heard a loud commotion from outside.

Her first instinct was to call Damian, who told her everything, Daniella was a part of the half of the world that was snapped away and in that time, Natasha Romanoff had sacrificed herself.

Unable to take in this information, Daniella needed more answers which Damian couldn't answer as she was also snapped away and only knew what others had told her. The brunette spent the next month trying to catch up on everything, speaking to others, including Clint.

Some time later, Daniella's life was slowly coming together when she got a message.


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